What's Changed
Design System
- Highlight
- KeyboardInput
- Link
- Paragraph
- Abbreviate
- Code Snippet
- Preformatted Text
- Description List
- Blockquote
- Form Input
- DescriptionList
- Radio Button
- RadioGroup
- Checkbox
- Checkbox Group
New Components
- Autocomplete - Add option to show all values
- Button - should allow to pass an html content
- Checkbox - add error state
- Autocomplete - Adds close on blur and moves accessibility status text to new location
- remove tab index if not set
- Button - does not render the aria-label attribute properly
- Tab - Actionable Element
- FormRadio and FormInput - does not offer a capability to not add an aria-label
- Checkbox - does not offer a capability to not add an aria-label
- FormInput - does not offer a capability to not add an aria-label
- FormInput - should not have a tabindex defined
- FormInput - An aria attribute has been given an invalid value
- Autocomplete - is not accessible and needs to be adjusted
- Details - contains a default TabIndex
- Button - adding visually hidden text to button for screen readers
- TabGroup - key prop
- TabGroup - displaying incorrect CSS
- Select - when you pass the default value it doesn't allow to change on select
- Heading - does no apply the css correctly
- Form input - props wrong typing and expose input ref
- design system
- Group new components within Storybook
- google crowler
- Update storybook documentation to include design system
Breaking Changes
Upgrade notes
- If you upgrading from a previous release and you use the Autocomplete component it will requires the addition of a new property called hiddenErrorText.
This property will require a string value to be set and provides a visually hidden text for screen readers to make your component fully accessible