Powershell module for baramundi Connect (bConnect), the REST-API of the baramundi Management Suite.
You can install the module from the Powershell Gallery Repository directly by using the Install-Module Cmdlet:
Install-Module -Name bConnect
You can update the module from the Powershell Gallery Repository directly by using the Update-Module Cmdlet:
Update-Module -Name bConnect
To use the functions of PS-bConnect you need to import the module into your current session and initialize the connection to the REST-API:
Import-Module -Name bConnect
$apiCred = Get-Credential -Message "bConnect" -UserName "[email protected]"
Initialize-bConnect -Server "SRV-BARAMUNDI" -Credentials $apiCred
You may also add the switch -AcceptSelfSignedCertifcate if you use a self-signed certificate at the bConnect port.
For more details please visit the Wiki.
Alexander Haugk
baramundi software AG
Contributions, feature requests and issues are welcome.
Please post your request in the issue tracker.
Copyright (c)2020 baramundi software AG.
This project ist licensed under the MIT License.