check here and leave a comment:)
I use built this app to train myself on the backend I just styled the templates very little because my main focus was to learn how to properly connect and creates the logic to back-end and the components and features accessed by a user through a front-end.
This is a NODEjs/ express app with CRUD functionality uses a callback functions whose parameters are request and response objects. Stores and retrieves JSON data using MongoDB, a NOSQL database hook up in a sandbox database on mLab, free cloud-hosted "sandbox" database. Data sent through HTTP requests
#Steps: 1- Run npm init and create the jSON file
2- Installed the npm packages.
3- required dependencies and node modules --save
4- Create the Restful routing this application responds to a client request to a particular endpoint, which is a URI (or path) and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST ,PUT , PATCH, Delete …HTTP verbs...)
5- Create the EJS templates and generate html using JavaScript
6- Write the routes and test them with postman
7- Use forms to send Post requests
8- Add in body-parser
9- Add a navbar to all templates
10- Set up mongoose schemas and models Mongoose to provide database access. object schema Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.” asynchronous operation means that a process operates independently of other processes, Mongoose acts as a front end to MongoDB, which is an open source NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model. A “collection” of “documents”, document storage and query system looks very much like JSON, and is hence familiar to JavaScript developers.Mongoose”
11- Create a models directory
12- Use module.exports
13- Require everything correctly!
14- Add a seeds.js file
15- Run the seeds file every time the server starts
16- Add the comment new and create routes
17- Add the new comment form
18- Add public directory for styling
19- Add User Model
20- Install all packages needed for auth
21- Define User model
22- Register
23- Configure Passport middlware “can authenticate against a local/remote database instance or use the single sign-on using OAuth providers for Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. to authenticate with your social media accounts, or you can choose from an extensive list of providers which support authentication with Passport and provide a node module for that. n this tutorial, we will use the Local Authentication Strategy of Passport and authenticate the users against a locally configured Mongo DB instance, storing the user details in the database. For using the Local Authentication Strategy, we need to install the passport-local module: npm install passport-local
24- Serializing and Deserializing User Instances
25- Passport also needs to serialize and deserialize user instance from a session store in order to support login sessions, so that every subsequent request will not contain the user credentials. It provides two methods serializeUser and deserializeUser
26- Add register routes
27- Add register template
28- Add login routes
29- Add login template
30- Add logout route
31- Prevent user from adding a comment if not signed in
32- Show/hide auth links in navbar
33- Use Express router to reorganize all routes
34- Associate users and comments
35- Save author's name to a comment automatically
36- Prevent an unauthenticated user from creating a new instance
37- Save username+id to newly created instance
38- Add Method-Override
39- Add Update Route
40- Add Destroy Route
41- Add Delete button
42- Authorization
43- User can only edit his/her instances
44- User can only delete his/her instances
45- Hide/Show edit and delete buttons
46- Add Edit route for comments
47- Add Edit button
48- Add Update route
49- Add Destroy route
50- Add Delete button
51- Install and configure connect-flash
======================= google maps API to be add soon================================