TAPPY is a tidal analysis package. It breaks down an hourly record of water levels into the component sine waves. It is written in Python and uses the least squares optimization and other functions in SciPy. The focus is to make the most accurate analysis possible. TAPPY only determines the constituents that are calculatable according to the length of the time series.
- Tim Cera (tim at cerazone.net)
- Pierre Cazenave (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
This repository is an import of the CVS repository found on the official site:
I (Pierre Cazenave) have made minor changes to the code to allow TAPPY to be used as a module in scripts.
TAPPY requires the astronomia, filelike and pyparsing packages which are available with pip:
pip install astronomia filelike pyparsing
TAPPY itself can be installed with setup.py:
python setup.py install
or as a non-privileged user (gets installed to ~/.local):
python setup.py install --user
The official SourceForge wiki covers the general usage of TAPPY. Given the change I made to allow the code to be imported as a module, an example of its use in that manner is useful.
import tappy
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Load a time series to analyse
dates = ... # a datetime.datetime list of dates
elevation = ... # a list of surface elevation values
# Set up the bits needed for TAPPY. This is mostly lifted from
# tappy.py in the baker function "analysis" (around line 1721).
quiet = True
debug = False
outputts = False
outputxml = False
ephemeris = False
rayleigh = 1.0
print_vau_table = False
missing_data = 'ignore'
linear_trend = False
remove_extreme = False
zero_ts = None
filter = None
pad_filters = None
include_inferred = True
if rayleigh:
ray = float(rayleigh)
x = tappy.tappy(
outputts = outputts,
outputxml = outputxml,
x.dates = dates
x.elevation = elevation[:, p].tolist()
package = x.astronomic(x.dates)
(x.zeta, x.nu, x.nup, x.nupp, x.kap_p, x.ii, x.R, x.Q, x.T, x.jd, x.s, x.h, x.N, x.p, x.p1) = package
(x.speed_dict, x.key_list) = x.which_constituents(len(x.dates),
package, rayleigh_comp=ray)
x.constituents() # the analysis
# Print the M2 amplitude and phase.
print('M2 phase: {}'.format(x.phase[x.key_list.index('M2')]))
print('M2 amplitude: {}'.format(x.r[x.key_list.index('M2')]))