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Propagate surface's scopecall binders position (#792)
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vincent-botbol authored Feb 25, 2025
2 parents d477fd9 + ddeae8e commit bf22038
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Showing 10 changed files with 109 additions and 54 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/dcalc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm S.expr) : 'm Ast.expr boxed =
| _ -> assert false
Some (var_ctx.scope_input_name, v)
| Some var_ctx, Some e ->
| Some var_ctx, Some (_p, e) ->
Some (var_ctx.scope_input_name, translate_expr ctx e)
| Some var_ctx, None ->
Message.error ~pos
Expand All @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm S.expr) : 'm Ast.expr boxed =
"Definition of input variable '%a' missing in this scope call"
ScopeVar.format var_name
| None, Some e ->
| None, Some (_p, e) ->
( ScopeVar.to_string
Expand Down
38 changes: 27 additions & 11 deletions compiler/desugared/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,10 @@ let rec check_formula (op, pos_op) e =
check_formula (op1, pos_op1) e2
| _ -> ()

(** Helper that restores surface positions in module paths. *)
let restore_position path_item mname =
ModuleName.map_info (fun (mn, _) -> mn, Mark.get path_item) mname

(** Usage: [translate_expr scope ctxt naked_expr]
Translates [expr] into its desugared equivalent. [scope] is used to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,7 +483,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
"Access to intermediate states is only allowed for variables of the \
current scope."
| Ident (path, name, None) -> (
let ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let _, ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
match Ident.Map.find_opt (Mark.remove name) ctxt.local.topdefs with
| Some v ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,8 +526,14 @@ let rec translate_expr
if scope = None then
Message.error ~pos "Scope calls are not allowed outside of a scope.";
let called_scope, scope_def =
let ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let uid = Name_resolution.get_scope ctxt id in
let resolved_path, ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let uid =
let uid = Name_resolution.get_scope ctxt id in
(* Retain the correct positions *)
(fun (_ml, pos) -> List.map2 restore_position path resolved_path, pos)
uid, ScopeName.Map.find uid ctxt.scopes
let in_struct =
Expand All @@ -549,7 +559,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
ScopeVar.Map.update var
| None -> Some (rec_helper e)
| None -> Some (Mark.get fld_id, rec_helper e)
| Some _ ->
Message.error ~pos:(Mark.get fld_id)
"Duplicate definition of scope input variable '%a'."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,14 +595,16 @@ let rec translate_expr
Expr.edstructamend ~fields ~e:(rec_helper e) ~name_opt:None emark
| StructLit (((path, s_name), _), fields) ->
let ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let resolved_path, ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let s_uid =
match Ident.Map.find_opt (Mark.remove s_name) ctxt.local.typedefs with
| Some (Name_resolution.TStruct s_uid)
| Some (Name_resolution.TScope (_, { out_struct_name = s_uid; _ })) ->
(* Retain the correct position *)
(* Retain the correct positions *)
(fun (ml, (s, _pos)) -> ml, (s, Mark.get s_name))
(fun (_, (s, _pos)) ->
let path = List.map2 restore_position path resolved_path in
path, (s, Mark.get s_name))
| _ ->
Message.error ~pos:(Mark.get s_name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,13 +702,17 @@ let rec translate_expr
| enum :: rpath -> List.rev rpath, enum
| _ -> assert false
let ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let resolved_path, ctxt = Name_resolution.module_ctx ctxt path in
let possible_c_uids = get_possible_c_uids ctxt in
(* The path has been qualified *)
let e_uid =
Name_resolution.get_enum ctxt enum
|> (* Retain the correct position *)
EnumName.map_info (fun (s, (x, _pos)) -> s, (x, Mark.get enum))
let e_uid = Name_resolution.get_enum ctxt enum in
(* Retain the correct positions *)
(fun (_, (x, _pos)) ->
let path = List.map2 restore_position path resolved_path in
path, (x, Mark.get enum))
let c_uid =
Expand Down
73 changes: 51 additions & 22 deletions compiler/desugared/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type typedef =
| TScope of ScopeName.t * scope_info (** Implicitly defined output struct *)

type module_context = {
path : Uid.Path.t;
current_module : ModuleName.t option;
typedefs : typedef Ident.Map.t;
(** Gathers the names of the scopes, structs and enums *)
field_idmap : StructField.t StructName.Map.t Ident.Map.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,14 +234,22 @@ let get_modname ctxt (id, pos) =
| None -> Message.error ~pos "Module \"@{<blue>%s@}\" not found" id
| Some modname -> modname

let get_module_ctx ctxt id =
let modname = get_modname ctxt id in
let get_module_ctx ctxt modname =
{ ctxt with local = ModuleName.Map.find modname ctxt.modules }

let rec module_ctx ctxt path0 =
match path0 with
| [] -> ctxt
| mod_id :: path -> module_ctx (get_module_ctx ctxt mod_id) path
let module_ctx ctxt path0 =
let rec loop acc ctxt = function
| [] -> List.rev acc, ctxt
| mod_id :: path ->
let modname = get_modname ctxt mod_id in
let ctxt = get_module_ctx ctxt modname in
loop (modname :: acc) ctxt path
loop [] ctxt path0

let get_module_ctx ctxt id =
let modname = get_modname ctxt id in
get_module_ctx ctxt modname

(** {1 Declarations pass} *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,7 +284,7 @@ let process_subscope_decl
| None ->
let sub_scope_uid = ScopeVar.fresh (name, name_pos) in
let original_subscope_uid =
let ctxt = module_ctx ctxt path in
let _, ctxt = module_ctx ctxt path in
get_scope ctxt subscope
let scope_ctxt =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,19 +330,22 @@ let is_type_cond ((typ, _) : Surface.Ast.typ) =

(** Process a basic type (all types except function types) *)
let rec process_base_typ
?(rev_named_path_acc = [])
(ctxt : context)
((typ, typ_pos) : Surface.Ast.base_typ Mark.pos) : typ =
match typ with
| Surface.Ast.Condition -> TLit TBool, typ_pos
| Surface.Ast.Data (Surface.Ast.Collection t) ->
( TArray
(process_base_typ ctxt (Surface.Ast.Data (Mark.remove t), Mark.get t)),
(process_base_typ ~rev_named_path_acc ctxt
(Surface.Ast.Data (Mark.remove t), Mark.get t)),
typ_pos )
| Surface.Ast.Data (Surface.Ast.TTuple tl) ->
( TTuple
(fun t ->
process_base_typ ctxt (Surface.Ast.Data (Mark.remove t), Mark.get t))
process_base_typ ~rev_named_path_acc ctxt
(Surface.Ast.Data (Mark.remove t), Mark.get t))
typ_pos )
| Surface.Ast.Data (Surface.Ast.Primitive prim) -> (
Expand All @@ -347,11 +358,19 @@ let rec process_base_typ
| Surface.Ast.Boolean -> TLit TBool, typ_pos
| Surface.Ast.Text -> raise_unsupported_feature "text type" typ_pos
| Surface.Ast.Named ([], (ident, _pos)) -> (
let path = List.rev rev_named_path_acc in
match Ident.Map.find_opt ident ctxt.local.typedefs with
| Some (TStruct s_uid) -> TStruct s_uid, typ_pos
| Some (TEnum e_uid) -> TEnum e_uid, typ_pos
| Some (TStruct s_uid) ->
let s_uid = StructName.map_info (fun (_, x) -> path, x) s_uid in
TStruct s_uid, typ_pos
| Some (TEnum e_uid) ->
let e_uid = EnumName.map_info (fun (_, x) -> path, x) e_uid in
TEnum e_uid, typ_pos
| Some (TScope (_, scope_str)) ->
TStruct scope_str.out_struct_name, typ_pos
let s_uid =
StructName.map_info (fun (_, x) -> path, x) scope_str.out_struct_name
TStruct s_uid, typ_pos
| None ->
Message.error ~pos:typ_pos
"Unknown type @{<yellow>\"%s\"@}, not a struct or enum previously \
Expand All @@ -364,7 +383,14 @@ let rec process_base_typ
"This refers to module @{<blue>%s@}, which was not found" modul
| Some mname ->
let mod_ctxt = ModuleName.Map.find mname ctxt.modules in
let rev_named_path_acc : Uid.Path.t =
match mod_ctxt.current_module with
| Some mname ->
ModuleName.map_info (fun (s, _) -> s, mpos) mname
:: rev_named_path_acc
| None -> rev_named_path_acc
process_base_typ ~rev_named_path_acc
{ ctxt with local = mod_ctxt }
Surface.Ast.(Data (Primitive (Named (path, id))), typ_pos)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -703,6 +729,9 @@ let process_name_item
"%s name @{<yellow>\"%s\"@} already defined" msg name
let path =
match ctxt.local.current_module with None -> [] | Some p -> [p]
match Mark.remove item with
| ScopeDecl decl ->
let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_name in
Expand All @@ -711,9 +740,9 @@ let process_name_item
(fun use ->
raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "scope")
(Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.local.typedefs);
let scope_uid = ScopeName.fresh ctxt.local.path (name, pos) in
let in_struct_name = StructName.fresh ctxt.local.path (name ^ "_in", pos) in
let out_struct_name = StructName.fresh ctxt.local.path (name, pos) in
let scope_uid = ScopeName.fresh path (name, pos) in
let in_struct_name = StructName.fresh path (name ^ "_in", pos) in
let out_struct_name = StructName.fresh path (name, pos) in
let typedefs =
Ident.Map.add name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,7 +774,7 @@ let process_name_item
(fun use ->
raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "struct")
(Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.local.typedefs);
let s_uid = StructName.fresh ctxt.local.path sdecl.struct_decl_name in
let s_uid = StructName.fresh path sdecl.struct_decl_name in
let typedefs =
(Mark.remove sdecl.struct_decl_name)
Expand All @@ -758,7 +787,7 @@ let process_name_item
(fun use ->
raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "enum")
(Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.local.typedefs);
let e_uid = EnumName.fresh ctxt.local.path edecl.enum_decl_name in
let e_uid = EnumName.fresh path edecl.enum_decl_name in
let typedefs =
(Mark.remove edecl.enum_decl_name)
Expand All @@ -770,7 +799,7 @@ let process_name_item
let name, _ = def.topdef_name in
let uid =
match Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.local.topdefs with
| None -> TopdefName.fresh ctxt.local.path def.topdef_name
| None -> TopdefName.fresh path def.topdef_name
| Some uid -> uid
(* Topdef declaration may appear multiple times as long as their types
match and only one contains an expression defining it *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1020,7 +1049,7 @@ let process_use_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) :

let empty_module_ctxt =
path = [];
current_module = None;
typedefs = Ident.Map.empty;
field_idmap = Ident.Map.empty;
constructor_idmap = Ident.Map.empty;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1059,7 +1088,7 @@ let form_context (surface, mod_uses) surface_modules : context =
ctxt.local with
used_modules = mod_uses;
path = [m];
current_module = Some m;
is_external = intf.Surface.Ast.intf_modname.module_external;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/desugared/name_resolution.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type typedef =
| TScope of ScopeName.t * scope_info (** Implicitly defined output struct *)

type module_context = {
path : Uid.Path.t;
current_module : ModuleName.t option;
(** The current path being processed. Used for generating the Uids. *)
typedefs : typedef Ident.Map.t;
(** Gathers the names of the scopes, structs and enums *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ val get_scope : context -> Ident.t Mark.pos -> ScopeName.t
(** Find a scope definition from the typedefs, failing if there is none or it
has a different kind *)

val module_ctx : context -> Surface.Ast.path -> context
val module_ctx : context -> Surface.Ast.path -> Uid.Path.t * context
(** Returns the context corresponding to the given module path; raises a user
error if the module is not found *)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions compiler/scopelang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : D.expr) : untyped Ast.expr boxed =
Expr.escopecall ~scope
(fun v e args' ->
(fun v (p, e) args' ->
let v' =
match ScopeVar.Map.find v ctx.scope_var_mapping with
| WholeVar v' -> v'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : D.expr) : untyped Ast.expr boxed =
| Some _ -> Expr.epuredefault e' m
| None -> e'
ScopeVar.Map.add v' e' args')
ScopeVar.Map.add v' (p, e') args')
args ScopeVar.Map.empty)
| EApp { f; tys; args } -> (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ let translate_rule
scope.scope_defs ScopeVar.Map.empty
let subscope_param_map = (fun (_, _, _, expr) -> expr) subscope_params (fun (_, p, _, expr) -> p, expr) subscope_params
let subscope_expr =
Expr.escopecall ~scope:subscope ~args:subscope_param_map
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion compiler/shared_ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -565,7 +565,8 @@ and ('a, 'b, 'm) base_gexpr =
| ELocation : 'b glocation -> ('a, (< .. > as 'b), 'm) base_gexpr
| EScopeCall : {
scope : ScopeName.t;
args : ('a, 'm) gexpr ScopeVar.Map.t;
args : (Pos.t * ('a, 'm) gexpr) ScopeVar.Map.t;
(* Map elements contain their variable's surface position *)
-> ('a, < explicitScopes : yes ; .. >, 'm) base_gexpr
| EDStructAmend : {
Expand Down

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