This is the official code to the paper "Unsupervised pre-training of graph transformers on patient population graphs", published in the Medical Image Analysis Journal.
We propose novel unsupervised pre-training techniques designed for heterogeneous, multi-modal clinical data for patient outcome prediction inspired by masked language modeling (MLM), by leveraging graph deep learning over population graphs. To this end, we further propose a graph-transformer-based network, designed to handle heterogeneous clinical data. By combining masking-based pre-training with a transformer-based network, we translate the success of masking-based pre-training in other domains to heterogeneous clinical data. We show the benefit of our pre-training method in a self-supervised and a transfer learning setting, utilizing three medical datasets TADPOLE, MIMIC-III, and a Sepsis Prediction Dataset. We find that our proposed pre-training methods help in modeling the data at a patient and population level and improve performance in different fine-tuning tasks on all datasets. Authors: Chantal Pellegrini, Nassir Navab, Anees Kazi
title={Unsupervised pre-training of graph transformers on patient population graphs},
author={Pellegrini, Chantal and Navab, Nassir and Kazi, Anees},
journal={Medical Image Analysis},
The code was tested with Python 3.7. The following requirements need to be installed:
pip install rdkit-pypi cython
pip install ogb==1.3.1 pytorch-lightning==1.3.0
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 -f
pip install torch-geometric==1.6.3 ogb==1.3.1 pytorch-lightning==1.3.1 tqdm torch-sparse==0.6.9 torch-scatter==2.0.6 -f
pip install scikit-learn
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install torchinfo
pip install transformers
To run our code please execute graphormer/ with appropriate parameters. In the following we provide examples for running the code for pre-training / downstream task training and fine-tuning on the three datasets. To train on different datasets or tasks please change the following parameters:
--dataset_name: mimic, sepsis, tadpole (for pre-training), tadpole_class (for downstream task training)
pre-training tasks on MIMIC-III: pre_mask (feature or blockwise masking), treat_prediction, patient_prediction
for feature masking set mask_ratio=0.3 and block_size=24, for blockwise masking set mask_ratio=1.0 and block_size=6
downstream tasks on MIMIC-III: los, acu
for TADPOLE and sepsis task does not need to be set.
--use_simple_acu_task: set to true to train for our adapted ACU-4 task, false for the original ACU task proposed by McDermott et al.
--label_ratio: to train on a downstream task with limited labels the label ratio can be set to the following values: [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0]
For validation and testing set the following parameters are used:
--validate and --test for validation/test
--checkpoint_path for loading a trained model
Example for pre-training on MIMIC-III, ${fold} can be in [0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9]:
python -m graphormer.entry --num_workers 8 --seed 1 --batch_size 5 --dataset_name mimic --task pre_mask --gpus 1 --accelerator "ddp" --ffn_dim 256 \
--hidden_dim 256 --num_heads 8 --dropout_rate 0.4 --intput_dropout_rate 0.4 --attention_dropout_rate 0.4 --weight_decay 0.0 --n_layers 8 \
--peak_lr 1e-3 --end_lr 1e-4 --edge_type multi_hop --multi_hop_max_dist 20 --warmup_updates 0 --tot_updates 3000 --default_root_dir "exps/mimic_pre_mask" \
--log_every_n_step 10 --check_val_every_n_epoch 5 --runname "pt24_rot${fold}" --edge_vars "vals" --rotation ${fold} --pad_mode "pad_emb" \
--mask_ratio 0.3 --block_size 24
Example for training on MIMIC-III for Length-of-Stay Prediction:
python -m graphormer.entry --num_workers 8 --seed 1 --batch_size 5 --dataset_name mimic --task los --gpus 1 --accelerator "ddp" --ffn_dim 256 \
--hidden_dim 256 --num_heads 8 --dropout_rate 0.4 --intput_dropout_rate 0.4 --attention_dropout_rate 0.4 --weight_decay 0.0 --n_layers 8 --peak_lr 1e-4\
--end_lr 1e-4 --edge_type multi_hop --multi_hop_max_dist 20 --warmup_updates 0 --tot_updates 1200 --default_root_dir "exps/mimic" --log_every_n_step 10\
--check_val_every_n_epoch 2 --runname "SC_los" --edge_vars "vals" --rotation 0 --label_ratio 1.0 --pad_mode "pad_emb"
for fine-tuning add the following parameter to the above command:
--pretraining_path "exps/mimic_pre_mask/lightning_logs/<model_name>/checkpoints/"
Example for training on TADPOLE for disease prediction:
python -m graphormer.entry --num_workers 0 --seed 1 --batch_size 1 --dataset_name tadpole_class --gpus 1 --accelerator "ddp" --ffn_dim 64 --hidden_dim 64 \
--num_heads 8 --dropout_rate 0.4 --intput_dropout_rate 0.4 --attention_dropout_rate 0.4 --weight_decay 0.0 --n_layers 4 --peak_lr 1e-5 --end_lr 5e-6 \
--edge_type multi_hop --multi_hop_max_dist 20 --check_val_every_n_epoch 1 --warmup_updates 0 --tot_updates 1200 --default_root_dir "exps/tadpole_class" \
--log_every_n_step 1 --runname "SC_tadpole" --label_ratio 1.0 --drop_val_patients --cross_val
instead of doing cross validation the model can be trained on a specific fold of TADPOLE by setting --fold to a number between 0 and 9
Example for fine-tuning on the Sepsis dataset:
python -m graphormer.entry --num_workers 8 --seed 1 --batch_size 5 --dataset_name sepsis --gpus 1 --accelerator "ddp" --ffn_dim 256 --hidden_dim 256 \
--num_heads 8 --dropout_rate 0.4 --intput_dropout_rate 0.4 --attention_dropout_rate 0.4 --weight_decay 0.0 --n_layers 8 --peak_lr 1e-4 --end_lr 1e-4 \
--edge_type multi_hop --multi_hop_max_dist 20 --warmup_updates 0 --tot_updates 1500 --default_root_dir "exps/sepsis" --log_every_n_step 10 \
--check_val_every_n_epoch 1 --runname "FT_sepsis" --label_ratio 1.0 --set_id "AB" --loss_weighting "log" --PT_transformer --rotation ${fold} \
--pretraining_path "exps/mimic_pre_mask/lightning_logs/<model_name>/checkpoints/"
Our model code is based on the work of Ying et al. "Do Transformers Really Perform Badly for Graph Representation?" [1], published in the following repository
[1] Ying, C., Cai, T., Luo, S., Zheng, S., Ke, G., He, D., Shen, Y., Liu, T.Y.: Do transformers really perform badly for graph representation? Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021)