This repo is an experimental project built by Charlie Chenyu Zhang hosted on AWS.
Routes you can access /gpt - the chatbot
create a .env file with REACT_APP_OPENAI_API_KEY=""
npm ci && npm run start
A few experiments
- experiment 1 - ChatGPT + Conversational Layer (route /gpt)
- experiment 2 - Twitter Post Summarization (route /beta-fellowship)
- have a language toggle at the top righr corner to toggle it to 简体中文
- user sign in through google or through a valid
- refactor the js to typescript
- It also provides a comprehensive learning experience, covering all aspects of language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, and reading.
- only support chrome and english
- if users don't speak at all, then nothing happens -- need to handle error peacefully
- cut too quickly when the user is not speaking
- solution 1: constently listening, case 1: if the user interupt me while AI is thinking, case 2: users wait till I finish
- solution 2: push button to talk. Keep on pushing the button to record what you want to say. This might have a better experience on mobile browser. [simpler approach]
lip sync - speech recognition -
- each modeul has to be easy to swap (for example, I can swap google TTS to Amazon's TTS module easily) unified interface
- add the indicatoin whether it's thinking, talking or listening (meme mode)
if I add the sentiment analysis to the software, I can choose different memes based on the conversation. here is an example
npm i
npm start
There are three iterations already
version 2: BetterUI.js
Only kept one button with no text showing in UI. Need to click on start
button and have one sentence only.
version 3: InteractiveUI.js
This version ask a follow up question and start listening to users again to engage the conversation.
version 4: modified InteractiveUI.js
to make the UI simplier
twitter documentation
Traffice analysis
- bounce rate tracking etc.
- how much time they stay on (e.g. Amazon prefer a longer time. The longer time you stay, the more you purchase for Amazon.)
Twitter APIs:
Search tweets to return the tweets in the past 7 days - cap at 100 tweets per request
TODO: need to use Tweet Counts API to count the number of tweets returns so we can decide how many times we should call the API to fetch everything
currently, we only track the tweets from sender, in the future, we can track mentions
TODO: move the twitter API call and OpenAI API call to the backend so it doesn't reveal Bearer token and can handle heavier work load
user have the option to set the daily digest or the weekly digest or the digest of the past 7 days. I can control it by passing in the start_time and end_time
TODO: in the future, we can include the top tweets from the founder as a digest. LinkedIn APIs:
- use voice api to train and mimic customized voice based on characters
Log in using your Gmail account charlie.chenyu.zhang@gmailcom