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📢 announce
📢 announce
Consider announcing on Slack.
Area: AOT
Area: AOT
Area: Apollo Federation
Area: Apollo Federation
Issue is related to Apollo Federation
Area: Authorization
Area: Authorization
Issue is related to authorization
Area: AutoMapper
Area: AutoMapper
Area: Caching
Area: Caching
Area: Data
Area: Data
Issue is related to filtering, sorting, pagination or projections
Area: DataLoader
Area: DataLoader
Area: ElasticSearch
Area: ElasticSearch
Area: EntityFramework
Area: EntityFramework
Issue is related to the EntityFramework integration
Area: Fusion
Area: Fusion
Issue is related to Hot Chocolate Fusion
Area: GreenDonut.Data
Area: GreenDonut.Data
Area: MongoDB
Area: MongoDB
Issue is related to the MongoDB integration
Area: Neo4J
Area: Neo4J
Issue is related to the Neo4J integration
Area: Performance
Area: Performance
Issue is related to performance
Area: Persisted Queries
Area: Persisted Queries
Issue is related to (automatic) persisted queries
Area: Projections
Area: Projections
Area: Relay
Area: Relay
Issue is related to the Relay integration
Area: Scalars
Area: Scalars
Issue is related to scalars
Area: Security
Area: Security
Issue is related to security
Area: Spatial
Area: Spatial
Issue is related to spatial types
Area: Stitching
Area: Stitching
Issue is related to schema stitching / federation
Area: Streaming
Area: Streaming
Issue is related to deferred work (@defer / @stream)
Area: Subscriptions
Area: Subscriptions
Issue is related to Subscriptions or a Subscription Provider
Area: Type System
Area: Type System
Issue is related to the Type System
The issue is blocked by an external dependency.
💥 breaking-changes
💥 breaking-changes
This PR contains breaking changes.
🍒 cherry-pick
🍒 cherry-pick
Consider cherry-picking these changes into the previous major version.