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R2 Day 25-27

Pumping out algorithms n increasing difficulty as I progress. Lots of practice w/ data structures, algorithmic problem solving, BigO Notation n time complexity so I can solve problems w/ a faster execution time!

R2 Day 19-24

Frequent updates to here doesn't seem to be most important, focused on getting my algorithmic thinking n problem solving skills as fine tuned as possible to prep for the interviewing process!

R2 Day 9-18

Wow can't believe I've been forgetting to tweet this whole time... Haven't missed a push tho since my last tweet and am still cranking out algorithms and challenges for #Java Interview Prep!

R2 Day 7-8

If anyone ever said "You're spending too much time doing algorithms" they were not prepared for the world of problem solving. Continuing to push out #Java algs each day! Constantly working on Java Interview Prep Algorithms!

R2 Day 6

Constant working on these #Java algorithms w/ Big O Notation n Time Complexity in mind since I have been getting to the point where most tests pass but others take too long, solving tho!

R2 Day 5

More work with algorithms! Java Focusing now on Array Manipulation!

R2 Day 4

Continuing to work through these Java Interview Prep algorithms / challenges! Getting great practice with DataStructures n algorithmic thinking, very satisfying seeing all the checks on the test input results

R2 Day 2-3

Continuing work with algorithms to get my mind and algorithmic thinking sharp again! Currently solving the challenges in Java!

R2 Day 1

Today begins my second go around of 365 days of code! Beginning with a heavy push in algorithms and other interview prep challenges! Will also be brushing up on SpringBoot and SQL in the near future, lots to do!

Day 353-365

Somehow I managed to tweet less than days I coded since I have now completed 1 round of 365 Days of Code! I will be starting round 2 this week!

Day 351-352

Working on understanding Two Factor Auth, created a basic program using Flask Python Twilio and Authy to create a simple OTP 2FA

Day 346-350

Continued work on my Java Fullstack App to create a HR directory for companies, signup / signin features being created utilizing Spring Security. Recently added CORS handling and working on errors during routing

Day 339-345

Completed a web scraper program in Python that uses Selenium Scrapy n BeautifulSoup, all scrape their own sports site to get player data from each leagues teams n write to csv files! Began working again on my Java phone book app for a HR of a company, working on the FrontEnd now with ReactJS to connect to my SpringBoot backend! Working on my use of Bootstrap as well!

Day 335-338

Diving so deep into WebScraping w/ Python! Getting great experience w/ Selenium BeautifulSoup4 n next up is Scrapy. I'm creating a 3 sport web scraper project using these 3 frameworks for each script!

Day 333-334

Working on a Python WebScraper that'll use Selenium to navigate thru a sports stat site, scrape every current players name and position from the each team nd store in a CSV! Goal is to create a SQL with the data

Day 331-332

Am starting to completely change the styling / design of the DevChat #React App using CSS Bootstrap, will be refactoring the project structure to be more de-structured for multi-use components n pages!

Day 327-330

Spent the weekend learning Socketio to create a messaging app w/ React NodeJS! Am going to create a resume worthy application with the new knowledge!

Day 325-326

Spent these last 2 days working through a solution to allow me to use SpringSecurity w/ my React FE Login/SignUp pages instead of the default one use by the framework. Decent progress on my Java HR Directory App! Also spent time learning the basics to AI/ML programming with Python using anaconda and Jupyter

Day 321-324

Continuing to work on n build out my Java FullStackApp w/ React, working on implementing SpringSecurity w/ my own React Login/Register pages! User Auth aspect in progress, n FE is in development

Day 318-320

Continued research on BatchProcessing testing small process w/ BigData to see execution time changes, can't wait to tackle a BigData project! Creating new version of my Java HR App, going to use Bootstrap React

Day 316-317

Did a ractice run through my Batch Processing lesson and think I have a fairly good understanding on what I have coded and feel confident to teach it to my classmates! Created new components for my HR Directory App and have created more CRUD requests that are done successfully, plan to implement some error loggic soon but want to ensure everything works as planned.

Day 314-315

Finally found a good resource to help me understand Batch Processing, coded out a walkthrough that I will be using/presenting during class next week to teach on the topic, will be using Spring Batch

Day 312-313

Working w/ Java security n Auth using WebSecurityConfigurator n Digest to understand the use of Auth in a Java app and ontinuing work on REST JPA Hibernate and making successful CRUD requests

Day 310-311

Using RestTemplate framework in Java to send HTTP Requests the Java API I created for my HR Directory App and successfully made CRUD reqs with data in response from the Database, implementing into my project

Day 307-309

Began creation of React FE for Java Contact Directory App, simple to just get data on screen, will style later. So far have successful XHR reqs, getting refamiliarized w/ Reacts useState, useEffect, also axios!

Day 305-306

Researching topics n documentation of creating RESTful APIs in Java w/ SpringBoot n utilizing a SQL database to store my Contact Entities for my Java App. Next will be creation of a User System, n React FE

Day 301-304

Work w/ CRUD n MySQL to get a DB connection for my Java HR Directory app, routes are setup, next is creation of React FE. Researching more on Hibernate n Batch Processing which I'll be teaching on next week in class

Day 299-300

CLI version of a Java HR Directory has the major components created, next is to get MySQL setup so I can read and write to a DB! Doing research/practicing the syntax for SQL DBs table creation and inserting data

Day 297-298

Working on understanding the annotation use cases for SpringBoot package Web that allows you to create HTTP reqs, making progress w/ my HR Directory Java app, tonight's focus will be SQL setup and syntax!

Day 294-296

Focusing a lot on #BatchProcessing bc I'll be teaching on it in class soon. I've gone through n created a small scale example, going to expand my knowledge more w/ SpringBatch to understand the processes better!

Day 293

Created my first GET req using #SpringBoot, reading documentation and watching videos on the process and how mapping works for reqs! Very excited and can't wait to begin creating projects implementing SB and MySQL

Day 290-292

Started building out a Java CLI version of a HR Directory application, this version will allow for a user to make a directory, add remove or edit contacts to the directory and print it out to the console for use

Day 289

Challenging myself to move on to larger scale projects, am now starting a Company-like HR Directory Program using Java, will implement Springboot and MySQL after creating the logic for the program! This will be my first project w/ SpringBoot and SQL DB!

Day 286-288

Converted the previous BankAccount creation (an Interface nd a Parent Class that implemented it, this had Child Classes that would then Inherit the Parent), worked but execution w/ an Abstract Class made more sense!

Day 285

Completed a Java alg as a warm up n get my mind flowing, alg was to calculate max miles on fuel w/ consumption restrictions n variables. Researching SpringBoot n beginning to understand how to create the HTTP methods

Day 282-284

Working through Java algorithms n researching/deciding on what project type I want to pursue for my first CAPSTONE project n show off my new found programming skills n abilities! WebScraper or MERN Stack 🤔 .....

Day 281

Created a method w/in my Bank Class that allows the bank to close a bank account according the Integer passed in, method gets the account from the HashMap of accounts n the Client associated w/ the account n removes it

Day 279-280

Been working on a Bank java program, implementing methods for a new Bank Class that will contain the Clients n Accounts (classes) for the program, Bank features so far: adding and creating Accounts and Clients by pass through methods. Logic for creation is done within the other classes but Bank initiates the action while the sub classes handle the creating. Focusing on OOP centered coding and feel my understanding for Interfaces growing!

Day 277-278

Created 2 fully functioning Java BlackJack CLI programs, one was done as a code along to learn new techniques w/ OOP while the the other was done entirely by myself before the code along to see where I am at!

Day 276

Started a Java BlackJack project, mostly finished with the game logic and all necessary classes are created, trying to find more ways to implement Interfaces or Abstract Classes to work on my OOP skills

Day 275

Worked on fixing some bugs w/in a few Java projects, Liars Dice needed a way to track amount of dice in play to display to users n the Modulo Alg needed logic adjustment for concat of AM/PM after the time in converted

Day 273-274

Completed a fully functional LiarsDice CLI Java program/game, great practice for my OOP skills. This game incorporated modulo which lead me to research more of how it's used. Creating a new BlackJack game as well!

Day 272

Finally completed hackerrank's 30DaysOfCode in #Java! Very excited and learned a lot, along with new techniques and data types, also completely new terminology for me to soak in!

Day 270-271

Continuing to work through 30DaysOfCode while focusing on completing algorithms in a way that have the most effective coding time complexity. Understanding how long code takes to run is helping me understand the real world connections!

Day 269

Working through creating another Java program game called Liars Dice, more practice creating clean classes and small methods, working towards better OOP design and skills! Also complete 30DaysOfCode Day25

Day 260-268

It's good to be back! Finally almost fully recovered from COVID-19 n can not wait to get back into coding! Left off learning about Interfaces and Abstract Classes in #Java as well as completing 30DaysOfCode, currently on Day 25!

Day 259

More work w/ Binary Search Trees as I learn about Traversing thru in Level Order to print the data from w/in the each Node. Learning to use Queues as a way to store n access the data so I can search each lvl of the tree

Day 254-258

Throughly enjoyed the blessing of Christmas break and time with my family
As for code tho?! I'm picking back up with 30DaysOfJava n learning about Binary Search Trees, so far confusing but am researching a lot!

Day 251-253

Working through more days of #30DaysOfJava; working w/ Data Structures like Linked Lists, Queues n Stacks; completing sorting algorithms n also practicing w/ Generics! Beginning to learn abut Binary Search Trees too!

Day 248-250

Am starting to dive deeper into Java Interfacing and Abstract Classes. Currently working through more of Hackerranks 30 Days of Java and am currently on Day 18, also planning on working through more algorithms as always to enhance my problem solving skills

Day 241-247

Took the weekend off to allows my forarms and wrists to heal from what seemed to be early signs of carpal tunnel, after the rest I foucsed on 30 Days of Java via Hackerrank to enhance my algorthmic skills and understanding how to properly use Interfaces within a java program to write clean and efficient dcoupled code

Day 238-240

Spent my time working through Java algorithms n 30DaysOfCode, making good progress w/ my ability to think computationally and attack a problem in an effective way, then going back converting to a better solution! Aside from algorithms I've also began a new program to create another #Java CLI Hotel, so far I've just created the classes and packages I know I'll be using and will begin coding out the logic next!

Day 234-237

Over the weekend I spent time working through Hackerranks 30DaysOfJava and other algorithms to get my essential problem solving skills improved, creating projects is awesome but algorithms grow skills

Day 232-233

Continued looking over my #Java DnD attack simulator program, have finished the assigned version and am going to be focusing a lot more on algorithms, need to keep my mind fresh w/ thinking algorithmically

Day 231

Completed a #Java #dungeonsanddragons CLI attack simulator w/ OOP concepts as the main focus! Finding these mini projects more and more enjoyable and the research of OOP concepts to use is great for learning!

Day 224-230

Well it's been a week since I tweeted last, Completely forgot about updating my days of code, but I've been working hard through some projects! Finished a #Java CLI Yahtzee die rolling simulator that utilizes OOP concepts. The Yahtzee program allows up to 4 players to play 13 rounds of die rolling and get the best hand. As for my most recent project, I've been working on creating a #dungeonsanddragons attack simulator in #Java and have completed a simple v1! Am working on a v2 of the #DnD simulator which allows a player to create a character and an enemy to attack, takes in the attributes of both and returns how much damage is inflicted!

Day 222-223

Making good progress with my #Java Yahtzee program, reverted back to an older version of code after spending lots of time on a new idea, went through some basic algorithms to get algorithmic thinking flowing again

Day 218-221

Still enhancing my Java Yahtzee program, have created packages to hold specific classes according to their uses within the program, as of now I'm working on creating a "holdable" process... which I may have thought of something better! TBA
As well as Yahtzee, I'm working through an OOP course to help with my understanding of advanced OOP concepts, for now Functional Interfaces and Streams are what I'm currently working through!

Day 215-217

Having an amazing time recreating this Yahtzee Java program! Really focusing deep on OOP concepts n how to use classes to their fullest ability! V2 allows for multi-players, each player rolls 3 times for best score

Day 209-214

Well I haven't been able to do much throughout this last week of coding due to hardware issues with my laptop and contacting @Lenovo but have managed to create a simple CLI Yahtzee die rolling game!
Other than creation of the CLI Yahtzee die rolling program, I have continued to learn about OOP w/ #java and working with understanding the types of built in Interfaces that Java has, as well as Lambda Expressions!

Day 205-208

Have been continuing to work through a Java course to enhance my understanding of OOP concepts, working with Lambda Expressions and also Functional Interfaces like Consumer, Supplier, Function, and Predicate!

Day 203-204

Working the past couple days on the simple Java command line hotel project, have been implementing inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism throughout the packages and classes I have created

Day 199-202

Gotta confess that I took a bit of a mental break these last 4 days, I did continue looking over algorithms previously worked on n OOP concepts but time was mainly focused setting up my new laptop thank you LORD, Time to get back to it!

Day 195-198

Busy last couple of days! Continuing to developed my understanding of OOP while programming in Java! Practicing creating classes that inherit from each other n am beginning to build out a small banking-like system!

Day 192-194

Constantly working through exercises to help my understanding of Generic Classes, Exception Handling, Iterating through Collections and utilizing the Iterable and Iterator Interfaces, as well as the Comparable and Comparator Interfaces

Day 189-191

Continuing w/ with Java Collections and Generics, understanding how creating Generic classes and also methods using generic data types are so versatile!
Also understanding how collections are made and manipulated

Day 188

Work w/ Java concepts like inheritance! Working at creating car classes which inherit variable from a super Car class, while also implementing overloaded and overridden methods. Looking forward to more Java challenges!

Day 183-187

Constantly working through the advanced ideas of OOP in Java, Exceptions, Generic classes and creating dynamic classes with class parameters

Day 182

More focus on Object Oriented Programming concepts, mainly Interfaces but with the 4 pillars mixed throughout, casting, access modifiers, understand exceptions and more

Day 180-181

Continued work w/ Object Oriented Programming concepts, mostly repeating and going over everything about Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance, as well as creating Interfaces and Abstract classes

Day 178-179

Spending lots of time learning Object Oriented Programming concepts n capabilities. Focusing on Interfaces and Abstract classes over the weekend, but will be going over this course again to better grasp these concepts

Day 177

Spending hours learning to refactor Java code to better use Encapsulation, Getters and Setters, Abstraction, Coupling, Method and Constructor Overloading

Day 175-176

Completed most recent React project, a simple hotel site that utilizes the major React hooks; useState, useEffect and useContext and store state of the application within local storage.
Also continued working w/ Java and completed a course where I got the basic syntax and fundamentals of the language down, as well as some projects and exercises completed

Day 174

Almost completed all required tasks for this React hotel project, it doesn't look the greatest but functionality is all there. Used useState, useEffect, useContext/createContext hooks throughout this program

Day 173

Began a one last Front End only React project before moving deep into Java, this project consists of making a simple hotel site that allows for "rent" and "return" of rooms. This project will enhance my abilities w/ useState and useContext
So far I completed an algorithm that creates the initial state data upon first render, and have that data stored in local storage, time to create all the components!!

Day 172

Today I continued working through Java and I'm really seeing that having a good understanding of JavaScript is helping me
Created a simple mortgage calculator that utilizes user input, will add error handling next!

Day 171

Went through a short course on Object Oriented Programming, getting a better understanding of Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Course used C# so was able to get my feet wet with that new language as well

Day 170

Starting a deep dive into OOP Object Oriented Programming and Java, following through multiple courses and get a good grasp and understanding of the processes
Can't wait to really get into Java programming and creating some applications!

Day 169

Worked on two projects:

  1. User SETUP w/ MERN STACK boilerplate
  • worked on creating axios requests that use state data inside a component which can be used to output errors before a reqs is made
  1. Trello Minnick site
  • began further creation of the Cards component, implementing the ability to create items after the Card is created. Getting "too many rerenders" error so will work through that tomorrow!

Day 168

So far in the React Trello copycat I'm creating, I have implemented the ability to create a list and have its data saved to state via a ListContext I created using hooks, as well as display on the DOM!

Day 167

Spent the night creating a template repo on GitHub that uses a simplified version of create-react-app, now I just have necessary files once installed and I can add on to this when needed

Began a new React app that will be a multi-list app
The goal for this app is to allow the user to make lists and add items to each list, similar to that of Trello. That list data will be stored in state using hooks and in local storage

Day 166

Revamped a previous project to use state to store form data which is then used as the request body when making a request to the backend
Implemented a new Component to my reading list app, renders book details from the Book state within context
Along with the new Component, I created functionally to actually remove data from state and update the React app
Will finish this project tomorrow and continue with #Java

Day 165

Continuing work w/ React useState and useContext, implementing my own Contexts into a reading list type application, ability to add books to the list and alter theme. Understanding the differences between class and functional components better

Day 164

Started another React project to continue learning Hooks like useState and useContext. Implemented another version of simple light and dark theme
Understanding Context better and how to pass state to child components

Day 158-163

Working hard w/ React, hooks, state and context to get a really good understanding of how they work so smoothly together to create amazing apps. I finished the simple user boilerplate
And finally!
I have decided to pull away time from Python and jump into Java! Already began running through some algorithms to get myself associated again with the syntax

Day 155-157

Over the last couple days I've really dove deeper into Reacts' functionally. I've created theming (dark mode) capability for my React App using Custom Hooks, State and Context. The theme is carried over to each page of the application.
My custom hook access and uses Local Storage to store the themes' state and uses it to style the apps components that are nested in the ThemeProvider component I created

Day 152-154

Continuing on my Python journey w/ lots of algorithms, trying to understand the (new to me) methods that Python offers to make better written code but feel like I have a good grasp on the syntaxing
Also been at work w/ React, creating page like components that render by route handling, creation of a form and input components to create login and sign up forms dynamically. Reworking backend code to fix errors

Day 149-151

Still working hard with Python, knocking out algorithms to help my computational thinking
Created a simple CLI Mastermind game w/ Python's input method
Constant work with Python algorithms as well
Also continued work w/ ReactJS and created a new dynamic component that receives its information via props then rendered, its a simple button component but great work with understanding props

Day 148

Dove into another React project, learned more about handling routes w/ BrowserRouter via react-router-dom pkg. Created bare pages/components

Day 140

Completed a simple React Redux API using PokeAPI for data, user can cycle through pages of Pokémon and view individual ones information, also implemented a search bar
Also completed more Python algorithms

Day 145-146

Continuing work w/ Python, trying to understand the new syntax and keywords that are used, started algorithms tho to start getting some serious practice in
Also with regards to React Redux, I almost got a fully working Pokémon React App, have a home page (implementing pagination tomorrow, as well as search bar) with list of Pokémon, ability to view each Pokémon and gives information

Day 141-144

Finished up my Express Boilerplate, excited to be able to have a quick go to for an Express Backend!
Started learning Python today as well, went over the basics and small challenges

Day 140

Implemented bcrypt into my express boilerplate to encrypt a new users' password before it is created as a doc in the DB. Created a login route, validates req body, if all passed creates a JWT and then responds w/ 200

Day 138_139

Continued work on my Express boilerplate, created a Home router that handles any requests made to the root route, created a simple middleware, passed static files to /home route to display a simple webpage.
Also began User model:
Contains Email, Username, Password, all with validation within model. Began router creation for /user path, and route for new users. Middleware to validate data from the req in progress

Day 137

Continued work on the Express Boilerplate project, installed needed dependencies and created the basic layout of the App file, and also connected the server to a Mongo database

Day 136

Began a new project to setup an Express App boilerplate that I can reuse for future projects and really only have to tweak where needed. Looking forward to testing my memory of setting up backend code from scratch!

Day 135

Completed a Data Parser algorithm that used JavaScript file system package to read a local database and then manipulate the data in JSON format and then populate a new local database with the newly formatted data

Day 132-134

Been working on a lot past couple of days, between the movie rental sites user profile page and it's dynamic dom, to algorithms, and now today with a new React Redux mini project! This mini project just consists of making a DOM that allows users to view a page (and cycle through pages) of Pokémon names and then click a link to bring them to a specific Pokémon page

Day 129-131

These past couple days I have been spending a lot of time configuring Pug views for the movie rental site to allow more user functionality, a ton of work with React and Redux between exercises and challenges to get the understanding down

Day 127-128

Over the last two days I've completed tons of React Redux challenges, reviewed documentation of both to get familiar with their syntax and various methods
Tonight completed my signup page, dynamic error handling/responsive msgs for client

Day 126

Created a SignUp page for new users, submitting the form executes multiple fetch reqs to validate and create the user doc in mongoDB, and then another to Login and redirect them to the home page of the move site

Day 125

Continued working with Redux, learning how to manipulate state by using reducer and action events which use dispatch to call these events and see how they send data back to the Redux store and ultimately alter the state

Day 124

Completed an algorithm that sums up all prime numbers found within a length of numbers, achieved the answer as a class
Also began a rough creation of a signup page for the movie rental site, user so far can create an account/be added to db. Will work on redirection, and homepage signup button tomorrow, along with more #React and #Redux

Day 123

Cannot express how much time I am spending on React and Redux right now. Will be getting into make mini projects soon to begin getting a good understanding for the syntax and new coding techniques that I have been learning!

Day 122

Refactored my movie rental rent/return btns to function dynamically/update on the site when a request is executed by the user
Began working with Redux via exercises nd small challenges, I'll begin exercises that implement it into React soon

Day 120-121

Going hard with React documentation and exercises to really get a good base before jumping into more in depth coding
Also implemention of fully functioning rent and return movie btns into my movie rental site w/ some pug dom manipulation

Day 119

Completed a set of React exercises and feel great to have gotten through it with a pretty good understanding of how JSX and Components work! Created a whole file for reference bc I know I'll need it
Back to algorithms

Day 118

Today was mostly all about react n lifecycle methods! Understanding how to use them and what their uses are, since certain ones are better for certain situations. Can't wait to really start working with this!
Also reworked the movie site a bit

Day 117

Spent the night trying to implement a functional front end rent and return button for movies by a user on my movie rental site. Running into some errors but will work through them over the weekend
Also worked w/ algorithms prior to the site

Day 116

Today was spent continuing exercises with React and understanding the process of state and lifecycle methods within React Components

Day 115

Well today was very unfortunate with regards to coding, I lost power for most of the night and my laptop had barely any juice left in the battery from the night before but I was able to complete an algorithm exercise tho so not a total waste!

Day 114

Spent the night completing algorithms and peer coding, very beneficial being able to watch someone else code and see the differences in coding styles and methodology used.
Reworked the movie rental admin post route to create a new movie too

Day 113

More time spent with React exercises, learning how to use stateful and stateless Components and when either should be used
Also some time reworking code within my movie rental project that handles movie creation from an admin page

Day 112

Completed some algorithms regarding Classes and constructors in JavaScript, figured it's a good idea since I'll be using Classes in React.
Also continued studying React and completing exercises to get familiar with it!

Day 111

Spent A TON of time going over React Documentaion, understanding Component Classes, Stateless Functions, Rendering, State, Prop Types... There's so much exciting code here, can't wait to really dive into it!

Day 110

Added more admin functionallity to the Movie Rental site, allows the admin to update a movie from the home page, it updates live, updates the DB. Also new movie creation from a admin page route successful

Day 109

Achieved a basic Todo List app using ReactJS that implements JSON Placeholder data via axios request as todo list items. New items can be created, marked as completed and deleted from the db. Really cool to start getting my feet wet w/ React!
Learned a lot of new things obviously, planning on creating another basic application using React to better understand how it's used properly

Day 108

Movie Rental site is coming along great! Implemented separate UI layouts depending on if user is admin or not via PUGjs and also create new middleware to check admin properties of users. Movie deletion removed from DB and a users rented array

Day 107

Began implementing the NPM package cookie for the use of storing web tokens within my movie site, no more using local storage! Also implemented some logic in pug to make the login and logout btns change depending on wether the user is logged in
Reworked some Auth middleware to use the cookie package and did lots of testing to ensure successful logins and logouts

Day 106

Weekend full of Algorithm practice
Solved an alg that required me to learn a new math formula to find the orbital period for an object in space relative to earth. Also used some obj destructuring. And a few other algs

Day 105

Algorithms and algorithms, I'm really trying to focus entirely on thinking computationally and algorithmically so that I'm able to dissect a problem and attack it in the write way
Tonight completed a JS object constructor algorithm
This algorithm goal was to create methods in a object constructor that return specific values for first, last or full name for each new Person (class) that was created

Day 104

Implemented a functioning login and logout feature on the front end using PUG of my movie rental site using JSON Web Token and stored the users token in local storage to be used later in other routes

Day 103

Converted 4 routes dealing with Database manipulation for Movie Inventory to 2 routes (add/delete) and (rent/return), both require Auth (user or admin) and all implement Mongo Update Operators in requests

Day 102

Lots of time spent using Mongo operators to manipulate data within a doc of movie and user collections when a user rents or returns a movie. Understanding Mongo a lot better after reading over their documentation
Also created a single route for an admin, n depending on their admin level, will grant them the ability to increase or decrease the inventory of a specific movie. Did this also using Mongo operators

Day 101

Tonight's implementation of User Auth via JWT for routes that manipulate my DB
Really starting to see the power of MongoDB and created a patch method in movie router to update specific properties and fields from the request body data

Day 100

Finally fixed compile error, once I dove in to React I began creation of a Todo List app. So far I have created multiple components, used props from main App component to change the state property from elements created with a deeper component
Learned a lot tonight, but is also a lot to take in. The idea of a components ladder with structure and properties sounds amazing and can't wait to develope better skills and abilities with React.

Day 99

Spent time going over React documentation, watching videos and following along with code.
For some reason after I create the react app from the terminal and try to run with npm, I get a compile error.. couldn't figure out why but plan to!

Day 98

Implemented the adminAuth and userAuth middlewares into my routers for the Movie Rental Site. AdminAuth ensures a user has admin capabilities and userAuth ensures the current user's JWT hasn't expired

Day 97

Worked with Movie Site, started developing admin authentication for routes that allow manipulation of the DB; logging in which stores a JWT for an hour (for testing), then using that Token through site to Auth a User

Day 96

Created a middleware function that extracts a users ID from JSON Web Token to check if the user has admin capabilities on the music rental site. Also spent time helping a classmate debug an error which was good practice

Day 95

CLI Algoirthm practice with array and user input manipulation with use of for loops and RegExp.
Continued work with JWT on movie rental site to create the Token in user login for authorization in further routes

Day 94

Successfully created the beginning process of a MEN Stack app, DB connected, working routes n requests made, mongo model made n one WIP, DB partially filled
Really glad with my understanding of the backend environment
Also continued research on React and will begin implementing it into an application this week!
Understanding JS classes and React Components, along with what and how JSX is used to communicate to React to create a virtual DOM

Day 93

More research on JWT and Bcrypt, getting a better understanding of how to encrypt with hash and using JWT sign method to create a token!
More work with recursion, starting to understand the process more clearly, how it evaluates the call stack

Day 92

Really trying to keep the algorithm practice a constant exercise each day! Today consisted all with array manipulation with the array being created from a single integer argument.
"Think Computationally" is the goal
Also spending a lot of time researching and reviewing documentation on JWT and Bcrypt, can't wait to really implement this into an application!

Day 91

Continued researching JSON Web Tokens and getting a good understanding of a tokens properties (header, payload, signature) and the process to encrypt using NodeJS bcrypt

Day 90

Dove straight into using bcrypt and jwt by implementing them into latest movie site for user account creation
Bcrypt is great, generating salt and hashing a password to keep user data safe that's stored in the DB, more with JWT this weekend

Day 89

Realized yesterday that I was focusing a lot on Express Apps and lacking on algorithms/challenges to improve my coding knowledge and how I think computationally. So I spent today working with some algorithms and will be doing them more often

Day 88

Did some serious research and practice with recursion, and am beginning to really understand how powerful it is and how, when used correctly, can make algorithm solutions much cleaner
As for my music site, creating Album model and filling my DB

Day 86 + 87

Spent last two days starting my journey into #React and algorithms. Today continued work on a movie rental site project, began the implementation of Users and tomorrow; encryption and JSON Web Tokens!

Day 84 + 85

Last two days were filled with javascript algorithms that utilized HTML and CSS to create buttons on the DOM that would cycle the buttons in a clockwise position via onclick event listener
Began researching reactjs, may begin soon

Day 83

Day 7 algorithms completed using RegExp to match string inputs in various ways
Finished all artists and individual artist routes, reworked some code to make cleaner, created another pug temp for individual songs

Day 82

Day 6 algorithms that worked w/ JS classes and inheritance w/ sub classes, also ES6 arrow functions
Making good progress in my music site, created artist routes and collection, moving towards albums now

Day 81

Day 5 Worked with creating #JS classes and sub classes and create/assign methods to these class prototypes
Creating pug template of the artist routes on music site, working on populating the page with data from the db

Day 80

Day 4 Algorthims that worked w/ creating custom classes in JS w/ custom constructors and methods
Continued work on my Music Site, began implementing artist specific routes and pug templates

Day 79

Day 3 of JS consisted of searching through array data and returning second largest number, and working with try, catch and throw

Day 78

Day 2 Created a couple simple programs using readline that use a lot of if else and switch statements, along with loops.
Recreated another backend API simple setup to really get it down pact and get it more pressed into memory

Day 77

Began #10DaysofJS to do during @careerdevs break
Day0 was simple readline program to print sums or concatenation of stdin data and preassigned variables
Day1 a couple of programs that utilize readline for input to find Demi skins of shapes

Day 76

Completed the patch req on my movie rental site, ironed out all the errors I was having; runs like a dream now.
Began working on my next mongoose model for my music site, and made docs within the collection on MongoDB

Day 75

More multi-tasking:
Working in class movie rental project (pug reworked, patch and delete requests made to manipulate DB)
Completed admin route to manipulate songs in my music site DB; create new song doc, update a song doc, or delete a song doc

Day 74

Created an admin page to manipulate data for Movie Rental App Project, created new pug files and have backend working for requests.
Worked on my music streaming app, further implemented admin page for DB manipulation.

Day 73

Created more routers for songs and admin pages, adding collections to my DB and filling w/ documents to use in my app. Songs are displayed on route and are filterable via search bar. Admin page WIP to manipulate DB data

Day 72

Continued work on the music website, changed the idea to streaming music instead of a music downloader.
Created the homepage w/#pug am working on a search filter for songs, artists and albums on the page.

Day 71

Began creation of a new project: Goal is to make a music download mimic site with abilities to search for music, artists, albums, and songs, and have routes for each of them
Technology being used:

  • Pug
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • CSS

#Express server initialized and connection to #DB established. Created my models and used another #API to retrieve data to fill my #DB via Mongoose create method

Day 70

Created a route for admin adding movies to the #DB in my current movie rental project using #pug #js #css, using fetch to execute the #API requests#. Can also delete movies from home

Day 69

I implemented #pug #templateEngine into a previous server project for a movie rental site to create a 'admin' #frontend. Today created a DEL request to remove movies from the #DB

Day 68

Worked with #templateEngines #pug, much simpler and easy to grasp, created dynamic elms and got a basic understanding of the syntax, will use in my projects. More work with serving static files and making requests

Day 67

All desired routes are created for current project; home page, positions page (QBs or HBs), and individual player page.
Working on PATCH for individual player, POST for each position to create new player document

Day 66

#API Implemented specific routes for players so a user can look at all of player X statistics (#HREF for each player, route dedicated for that player)
#Frontend: #DELETE req works
#PATCH is in progress

Day 65

Began creation of QBs route #frontend, created initial #API GET request to display players on #DOM from my #DB. Created search bar on this page that hides or reveals players according to search text.

Day 64

Created another #Mongoose #Model for HB position, the routes to make all the #CRUD requests, added HBs to the nav bar, and started implementing more #frontend into my application.

Day 63

Started creating the #FrontEnd of my app; homepage has a title, nav bar for football positions. When a tab is clicked a new div is created below that displays all players at that position and their stats from DB

Day 62

Reworked the QB #Schema and created all #CRUD requests for the qbs route of my #API
Goal: To create a NFL player reference application
Learned: Understanding Promises more, and try catch statements.

Day 61

Excitement is taking over now that I'm going to begin creating my first 'simple' #FullStack app using #Node #JS #HTML #CSS #Express #MongoDB. I'll be starting from scratch, and can't wait to see what new techniques and skills I learn

Began creating the #Express server, connecting my #MongoDB and started to setup #routers
I want this app to allow the user to look through a #database of NFL players and view stats by position
Schema created for QBs

Day 60

Cont. my studies on #Mongoose n #Express server creation and how they work together, #Java still is a challenge but continuing to work at it and have really began linking the similarities with #javascript which is helping me a ton. Looking forward to class tonight!

Completed more command line based algorithms, converting strings to pig Latin and another that converts any string into binary code

Day 59

Continued working with Java and learning how to use encapsulation to privatize data within my code and then using GETTERS and SETTERS to assign and retrieve data from within the classes that have private data

Day 58

Integrated a local text file for storage in the dice CLI alg to save scores will turn to full DB soon, can be displayed via term! Made npm scripts so anyone can simply run the program, get setup and be able to use it!

Day 57

Continued working with MongoDB and Atlas cluster on another backend API project. Created all CRUD requests again, getting a good feel on how to correctly execute CRUD requests and retrieve or update data in my DB

Day 56

Using the Readline module in JS to make algorithms that utilize the Command Line Interface, created a dice game, a word converter, and string converter. Using CLI in my algorithms makes them much more interesting!

Day 55

Recreated another server using a MongoDB Atlas cluster as the database, really want to make sure I have a really good understanding on how to setup a server, connect to an Atlas cluster, as well as syntax for using express and middleware in Node

Day 54

Worked w/MongoDB Atlas, created my a cluster and connected to my Node server! Implemented successful requests, but need to better understand the syntax. Continued w/ Java's List Interface, Objects, Classes, understanding OOP

Day 53

POST PATCH and DELETE reqs for this server project, all write/read my .txt DB file and updates. Either doing static files for the routes to have a front end display OR attempting to swap my .txt for MongoDB Atlas cluster

Day 52

Got MongoDB Compass installed and plan on trying to attempt creating a DB and using it my simple server project over this weekend. So far I've installed all my packages, and created app.js, the root route and middleware

Day 51

[Completed JS alg that used a loop to cycle through arrays to convert a number parameter to its roman numeral equivalent(] Continued working with Java basics, this time work w/ Java array syntax/setup. Continued work with REST APIs and implemented all main CRUD methods into my code, the syntax and how to setup these requests are really starting to click, can't wait to start MongoDB tomorrow!

Day 50

Completed an algorithm that used RegExp to remove all non 'alpha-numerics' and check if it's a palindrome Spent another hour and a half on another algorithm that has me stumped, will be spending more time on it tomorrow!

Day 49

More time on Java, created my first public class and used its properties and methods to create new objects and manipulate its data within the Main class code block, practice with data type methods and numeric expressions. Continued research and videos on MongoDB to get a good understanding of the syntax and how the data is created and stored. Also learned the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases which is cool!

Day 48

Continued work with Java, learned about data types and classes (primitive, complex/objects), understanding and noting the types of primitive data types and their differences, how to get user input using the Scanner class

Day 47

Started up my first a Java repo on GitHub, simply to learn the basics and programming syntax (for now). Began going over the documentation and a video for MongoDB to get an idea of what I'll be working with later this week!

Day 46

Completed FCC's Node Express Challenge/tutorial on Glitch, also finished up a Mosh Hamedani YT video on RESTful APIs w/ Node, going to finish with some research on the NPM package Joi

Day 45

Continued working through FreeCodeCamps "Node and Express" walkthrough challenges to continue my learning and understanding of how the backend works

Day 44

What a codeNight, really dived deep into the backend tonight. Worked through the processes of using MIDDLEWARE, ROUTES via Express.Router method, serving STATIC files w/ Express, using a .txt file as a local DB and altering it w/ POST n GET!

Day 43

Watched a Mosh Hamedani YT video on REST APIs and did the walkthrough, starting to understand the different aspects of the request and response arguments within the callback function of the requests and how to access the data I need for each one

Day 42

More diving into the backend with NPM, Express, Nodemon, and Dotenv. Nodemon is great, no need to rerun npm start while testing, starting to understand the components of express request methods and their syntax. And Dotenv is amazing for hiding sensitive data from the user! Got a walkthrough and tutorial to watch tomorrow that will hopefully help me get an even better understanding of all this!

Day 41

Today was fully loaded, I achieved what I wanted functionality wise of my project so now I have both age and gender filters as well as the ability for the user to view posts from each fake user from the GoRest API, and began learning NPM!

Day 40

Implemented another filter into my program, this one lets the user give an age range that filters out users that aren't in the range. I made the gender filter global instead of by page so now the gender filter continues with each page change!

Day 39

Really happy with the progress I made with this project today, I implement a filter feature for gender for all the users within the GoRest API that I'm using for my webpage, tomorrow I plan on trying to implement a user inputted age range too

Day 38

Due to my high amount of coding time with projects and learning Java this week, my family time has been cut short so taking the day to hang with them but I did finally start getting all my beginner code onto GitHub, I'll add a new repo each day!

Day 37

FINALLY all thanks to my teacher for helping me figure out why we couldnt get a POST request to go through, authorization and Bearer tokens are what I learned about today. But also finished up most recent API project! More Java and Algorithms next

Day 36

Worked hours on the latest project , trying to implement a POST request with user inputs and selected data. Did lots of research on understanding the request header data for API requests. Worked on updating my READMEs as well.

Day 35

Custom user snippets are amazing! Just stumbled upon the idea and made some today, so helpful. As for coding, I completed some algorithms, spent more time on learning Java, and completed a big portion of code on latest class project.

Day 34

After failing to run Java within VSCode so I could practice while learning, I found a free Java compiler IDE online that'll be perfect! I finished the styling for my last project, and class tonight we started another with a different API!

Day 33

Took me quite a while but I finally figured out and fixed an error in my WIP project with APIs, thank you Google for the help! Pushed some algorithms to my GitHub but am looking forward to styling/finishing up this most recent class project!

Day 32

The 30 Days Java was more than I could handle so instead I decided to go start the SoloLearn course instead, getting a lot out of it, then I'll do the 30 Day again after! Started adding CSS to my current project using CRUD

Day 31

Didn't get as much as I wanted down but am happy with my progress on my newest project. Allowing the user to make an edit on a post on the webpage and have the respective API request made depending on their inputs. CSS will be tomorrow's task

Day 30

Today's been a blast, started a 30 Day Java Challenge to begin learning Java, class tonight I learned how to use the DELETE request method, and am now getting some practice with Local Storage/Session Storage! Thankful for this blessing of code

Day 29

Spent hours working on a project that allows the user to change post data by a form, then had to make code logic that allowed my program to determine wether to make a PATCH or PUT request to the API. Learned some new techniques today for sure

Day 28

Pused some intermediate algorithms to GitHub, spent the night with the class learning about more API methods PUT and PATCH. Have a good understanding of their similarities and differences, will be using JSONplaceholder API for a project tomorrow

Day 27

More of my favorite, learned about POST requests today and in a small webpage played around with gathering user input and sending it through as a parameter in a XHR POST request. Tomorrow's plan is to learn about the other XHR methods, can't wait!

Day 26

Finished the functionality of the weather webpage, I've incorporated 3 APIs and used 4 different endpoints, this definitely was the most in depth JS project I've done with APIs! All that's left is CSS tomorrow before class

Day 25

Got one of the API requests for this Weather project complete with data being displayed on the DOM. Finding that sanitizing user input can be challenging, doing better at not repeating code. Finishing second request tomorrow, along with styling!

Day 24

Today I started another Weather API project using multiple APIs, this will have two UIs which allows users to get today's current weather anywhere in the world and another will allow them to get weather from the last 20 years from any location

Day 23

In the process of finishing up the styling of this Historical Weather API, once done I'll be recreating it from scratch over the weekend and implementing another API into the code as well to get practice using more than one API source!

Day 22

Worked more on the Meteostat Historical Weather API project, implemented a cancel button, and displayed the response data from the API to the DOM. Finished reorganizing my files and ready to create new repos on my GitHub!

Day 21

Spent part of the day looking over algorithms, and reorganizing my files, preparing to get all my code finally on GitHub. Spent the night with CareerDev classmates advancing and modifying our Historical Weather API project, will finish tomorrow!

Day 20

Spent time with the CareerDevs squad using OpenWeathers' API for another webpage project. Learned how to use Array.from() method. Pushed some algorithms to GitHub earlier, but highlights of this week have absolutely been using APIs, loving them!

Day 19

Added a weather condition icon from the API response to the DOM for each locations weather when searched, also implemented weather based images for each condition that would become the webpage background; showing = snowy background, loving APIs

Day 18

Having a day with the family enjoying this beautiful weather but got some algorithm practice in, some used RegEx too, still have trouble making those work so practice is always good. Looking forward trying a grid calendar CSS/JS tomorrow tho!

Day 17

Finsihed my first API project using Open Weathers' Current Weather API, allows user input for city name, country or zip code for us cities. Displays weather info to the DOM nearly but not styled much. Used and learned more on RegEx for this too.

Day 16

I spent time doing algorithms and pushed some to GitHub. As a class we began creating the framework for our first weather API project. Began to understand the complexity of using user input with APIs! Going to complete this program over the weekend!

Day 15

Today was a light day, finished up the README and cleaned up my JS from yesterday's project. Worked on algorithms for a couple hours

Day 14

Reworked my NASA API project to fix all errors that were occurring and then also implemented a button to randomly request an APOD and have it display to the DOM. Worked with the cohort team tonight with CSS to get the DOM styled to our liking

Day 13

Got some good advice that company's want to see consistency and thorough documentation when viewing hirees GitHubs so I continued to update my READMEs. As for coding, spent the night with my class making another webpage w/ NASAs APOD API

Day 12

Finished a project that uses the idea behind my date navigation project but implemented NASA APIs: Mars Weather and APOD; user can change dates and background becomes APOD img from that day, and Mars Weather displays sol max min for last 7 days

Day 11

Started off with algorithms, then updated more READMEs. Spent some time watching API videos; understanding the use of XHR better, and watched some vids on fetch. Started a layout for a functioning calendar project, and began work with a NASA API

Day 10

Today marked a halfway point to me overhauling my GitHub READMEs, seeing ones of established coders made me realize I wasn't putting in the effort like I should be. Spent some time watching vids on 'ASYNC vs SYNC' and APIs, and researching!

Day 9

Worked with APIs, just trying to really make sure I'm understanding how they work, starting to see the power behind using them! Need more research on ASYNC and SYNC. Finished two small programs, starting another tomorrow

Day 8

More work w/ APIs, GitHubs Users and JSONplaceholder Users APIs both used in programs yesterday and today. Making grid-like UI display with various elements to display each users data. And like always, pushed algorithms

Day 7

Worked more with XHR and created; with CSS Grid (an amazing and powerful tool), a webpage that displays users and info about them using GitHub API as my endpoint. Worked on v5 calendar program; pushed algorithms to GitHub

Day 6

Finished v4 of the calendar project, v5 begins this week. Best part of day 6 is I started learning about API's! Did two simply programs (1, 2) to get acquainted with GET requests, onload, and send, and back to it tomorrow!

Day 5

Worked on version4 of the CalendarNav project, used CSS to make it look more like a widget! Will finish the styling tomorrow. Going to work on version5 this week. Pushed more algorithms to GitHub as well.

Day 4

Finished JS portion of my program v4, users can change dates via selects, make notes for selected date via prompt, hide/show notes created on the UI via buttons. Code is reusable for future programs. CSS is WIP

Day 3

Created new version of a simple program that allows a user to change dates via select elements, add some CSS. WIP of version 4 that will allow the user to change dates, create notes on selected date and display on the UI.

Day 2

Finished a simple program; allows users to select year, month, day w/ select elms and display it back on the DOM, then restart/refresh via onClick. Pushed more algorithms to GitHub, and edited my MovieRentalProject v3

Day 1

Worked on a class project: allows a user to cycle thru dates using buttons. Then began a version2 using select elements. Back-end is almost there, front-end needs more work. Pushed a couple completed algorithms to GitHub as well


README contains a description of each day






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