Get Your Game On! 🔥 YGO is an Elixir wrapper for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game API from YGOPRODeck.
YGO can be installed by adding ygo
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ygo, "~> 0.1.3"}
and running mix deps.get
To get cards information use the following function:
iex> YGO.get_card_information(%{name: "Dark Magician"})
"archetype" => "Dark Magician",
"atk" => 2500,
"attribute" => "DARK",
"card_images" => [
"id" => 46986414,
"image_url" => "",
"image_url_small" => ""
}, ...
"card_prices" => [
"amazon_price" => "2.03",
"cardmarket_price" => "0.02",
"card_sets" => [
"set_code" => "CT13-EN003",
"set_name" => "2016 Mega-Tins",
}, ...
"def" => 2100,
"desc" => "The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.",
"id" => 46986414,
"level" => 7,
"name" => "Dark Magician",
"race" => "Spellcaster",
"type" => "Normal Monster"
For obtaining information about a specific card set use:
iex> YGO.get_card_set_information("SDY-046")
or in case you want to list every released set:
iex> YGO.get_card_sets()
For listing all the cards from an Archetype use:
iex> YGO.get_card_information(%{archetype: "Blue-Eyes"})
or in case you want to list all the Archetypes:
iex> YGO.get_card_archetypes()
The rate limit is 20 requests per 1 second. If you exceed this, you are blocked from accessing the API for 1 hour. This limit rate is being monitored and being adjusted accordingly.
Please download and store all data pulled from this API locally to keep the amount of API calls used to a minimum. Failure to do so may result in either your IP address being blacklisted or the API being rolled back.
Dependency made with 🖤 by Christian Tovar. API rights correspond to YGOPRODeck.