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User interface for LinkedRegistrations

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


  1. Node 18 (nvm use)
  2. Yarn
  3. Docker

Development with Docker

To build the project, you will need Docker.

Create .env.local

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Build the docker image

docker compose build

Start the container

docker compose up

The web application is running at http://localhost:3001

Running production version with Docker

Build the docker image

DOCKER_TARGET=production docker compose build

Start the container

docker compose up

The web application is running at http://localhost:3001

Setting up complete development environment locally with docker

Install local Linked Events API

Clone the repository ( Follow the instructions for running linkedevents with docker. Before running docker compose up use the env.example template as base for /docker/django/.env and also set the following settings there:

Linked Registrations UI

Set the following variables in .env.local:

Run yarn && yarn dev

Running development environment locally without docker

Run yarn && yarn start

Configurable environment variables

Use .env.local for development.

cp .env.local.example .env.local
Name Description
PORT Port where app is running. Default is 3001
NEXT_PUBLIC_LINKED_EVENTS_URL linkedevents api base url
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT Environment used in Sentry. Use local for development
SENTRY_URL Url of Sentry instance. Default is
SENTRY_ORG Sentry organization. Default is city-of-helsinki
SENTRY_PROJECT Sentry project. Default is linkedregistrations-ui
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN Sentry authentication token.
OIDC_ISSUER Keycloak SSO service base url. Default is
OIDC_API_TOKENS_URL Keycloak api tokens url. Default is
OIDC_CLIENT_ID Client id. Default is linkedregistrations-ui
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET Secret of the oidc client
OIDC_LINKED_EVENTS_API_SCOPE Linked Events API scope. Default is linkedevents-api
NEXT_PUBLIC_MATOMO_URL Base url of the Matomo. Defualt is //
NEXT_PUBLIC_MATOMO_SITE_ID Site id in the Matomo. Default is 70
NEXT_PUBLIC_MATOMO_JS_TRACKER_FILE JavaScript tracker file name. Default is matomo.js
NEXT_PUBLIC_MATOMO_PHP_TRACKER_FILE PHP tracker file name. Default is matomo.php
NEXT_PUBLIC_MATOMO_ENABLED Flag to enable matomo. Default is false.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET next-auth secret
NEXTAUTH_URL Canonical url of the site used by next-auth
NEXT_ENV 'development' or 'production'
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB_STORE_INTEGRATION_ENABLED Flag to enable Tapla integration. Default is false
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB_STORE_API_BASE_URL  Base url for the Tapla endpoints. Default is

Url parameters

There are some url parameters which can be used when using signup form in external service:

iframe: e.g.

This parameter can be used to hide page header. Page header is hidden when iframe=true

redirect_url: e.g.

This parameter can be used to redirect user automatically to selected url after successful signup. It's important to include also protocol to the url.

Commit message format

New commit messages must adhere to the Conventional Commits specification, and line length is limited to 72 characters.

commitlint checks new commit messages for the correct format.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

yarn start

Runs the built app in the production mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

yarn test:coverage

Run tests and generate coverage report


Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities and license issues.

For more information visit the Snyk website

For details see the CLI documentation

How to get started

  1. Authenticate by running yarn snyk auth
  2. Test your local project with yarn snyk test
  3. Get alerted for new vulnerabilities with yarn snyk monitor

You can see all available command with yarn snyk

You can install Snyk extension for Visual Studio Code from


Debugging project in VS Code

To debug in VS Code:

  1. Install the "Debugger for Chrome" extension to VS Code
  2. Run yarn dev
  3. Set a breakpoint
  4. Run "Chrome" debug configuration in VS Code
  5. Reload the project in your browser

Debugging Tests in VS Code

No plugin is needed.

  1. Set a breakpoint
  2. Run the "Run tests" debugger configuration

Debugging Tests in Chrome

We recommend using VS Code's debugger.

  1. Place a debugger; statement in any test
  2. Run yarn test:debug
  3. Open about:inspect in Chrome
  4. Select inspect on you process, press Play and you're good to go.

See more detailed instructions here: