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fix: accessibility statement corrections for en/sv (#2324)
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JanneJuhola authored Oct 6, 2023
1 parent ea54019 commit b73b243
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 106 deletions.
112 changes: 56 additions & 56 deletions frontend/benefit/applicant/public/locales/en/common.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,9 +201,9 @@
"tooltips": {
"heading5Employment": "Collective agreement applied: e.g. Collective Agreement for the Commercial Sector. If there is no binding collective agreement in the sector, put in a dash.",
"heading5EmploymentSub1": "Gross salary refers to total salary before deducting taxes and statutory contributions. Gross salary is stated in employment contracts. If bonuses are paid as part of salary – such as evening, night or shift work – include an estimate of the amount of bonuses in the gross salary.",
"heading5Assignment": "The gross salary is the salary paid to the subsidised employee before the deduction of the employee's statutory contributions (the employee's unemployment insurance and pension insurance contributions) and taxes. If the subsidised employee is paid remuneration bonuses (e.g. evening, night or shift work bonus), take the estimated amount into account in the gross salary. The employers' statutory indirect labour costs include social security expenses, pension insurance, accident insurance and unemployment insurance premiums as well as the mandatory group life insurance premium. Indirect labour costs refer to the amount of the employer's statutory indirect labour costs paid for the salary per month. The holiday bonus is a salary cost to be covered by the subsidy when it is paid for holiday pay during the subsidy period. Estimate the amount of holiday bonus to be paid during the subsidy period. Holiday compensation is not covered by the Helsinki benefit.",
"heading2": "The salary subsidy and the employment subsidy for people aged 55 and above are monetary subsidies intended to promote the employment of unemployed jobseekers.",
"heading3": "The Helsinki benefit for employment is intended for guidance, orientation, tools, work clothing and workspace costs when no other support is paid for these. The Helsinki benefit for salary is intended for the cost of employing a subsidised employee (= gross salary, statutory indirect labour costs and holiday bonus). The Helsinki benefit for a commission is intended for the performance of an individual job or project."
"heading5Assignment": "The gross salary is the salary paid to the subsidised employee before the deduction of the employee's statutory contributions (the employee's unemployment insurance and pension insurance contributions) and taxes. If the subsidised employee is paid remuneration bonuses (e.g. evening, night or shift work bonus), take the estimated amount into account in the gross salary. The employers' statutory indirect labour costs include social security expenses, pension insurance, accident insurance and unemployment insurance premiums as well as the mandatory group life insurance premium. Indirect labour costs refer to the amount of the employer's statutory indirect labour costs paid for the salary per month. The holiday pay is a salary cost to be covered by the subsidy when it is paid for holiday pay during the subsidy period. Estimate the amount of holiday pay to be paid during the subsidy period. Holiday compensation is not covered by the Helsinki benefit.",
"heading2": "The pay subsidy and the employment subsidy for people aged 55 and above are monetary subsidies intended to promote the employment of unemployed jobseekers.",
"heading3": "The Helsinki benefit for employment is intended for guidance, orientation, tools, work clothing and workspace costs when no other support is paid for these. The Helsinki benefit for salary is intended for the cost of employing a subsidised employee (= gross salary, statutory indirect labour costs and holiday pay). The Helsinki benefit for a commission is intended for the performance of an individual job or project."
"notifications": {
"salaryBenefit": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
"paySubsidyGranted": {
"label": "Has this employment relationship received any of the following aid?",
"paySubsidyDefault": "Salary subsidy",
"paySubsidyDefault": "Pay subsidy",
"paySubsidyAged": "Employment aid for people aged 55 and above",
"paySubsidyNone": "None of the previous subsidies have been granted for this employment relationship"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,9 +318,9 @@
"tooltip": "Indirect labour costs are the amount of the employer’s statutory Indirect labour costs payable from salaries each month. Indirect labour costs include social security, pension insurance, accident insurance, unemployment insurance and a compulsory group life insurance contribution. Please report the amount of Indirect labour costs in euros per month."
"vacationMoney": {
"label": "Holiday bonus",
"placeholder": "Holiday bonus",
"view": "Holiday bonus {{vacationMoney}} EUR",
"label": "Holiday pay",
"placeholder": "Holiday pay",
"view": "Holiday pay {{vacationMoney}} EUR",
"helperText": "EUR per month",
"tooltip": "Holiday pay is a subsidised salary cost when it is paid out of annual holiday pay during the subsidised period. Holiday compensation is not covered by the Helsinki benefit. Please report the amount of holiday pay to be paid during the subsidy period in euros per month. "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,93 +603,93 @@
"accessibilityStatement": "Helsinki benefit - Accessibility statement"
"accessibilityStatement": {
"h1": "Saavutettavuusseloste",
"h1": "Accessibility statement",
"sections": {
"section1": {
"heading1": "Digitaalinen työllisyyden Helsinki-lisä -asiointipalvelu",
"content1": "Tämä saavutettavuusseloste koskee digitaalista työllisyyden Helsinki-lisä -asiointipalvelua. Palvelun osoite on"
"heading1": "The digital Helsinki benefit e-service for employment",
"content1": "This accessibility statement is for the digital Helsinki benefit service for employment. The web address of this service is"
"section2": {
"heading1": "Helsingin kaupungin tavoite",
"content1": "Digitaalisten palveluiden saavutettavuudessa Helsingin tavoitteena on pyrkiä vähintään WCAG ohjeiston mukaiseen AA- tai sitä parempaan tasoon, mikäli se on kohtuudella mahdollista.",
"content2": "Helsingin tavoitteena on pyrkiä digitaalisten palveluiden saavutettavuudessa vähintään WCAG-ohjeistuksen mukaiseen AA- tai sitä parempaan tasoon."
"heading1": "The City of Helsinki’s goal",
"content1": "Helsinki aims to meet or exceed Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for the accessibility of its digital services as far as is reasonably possible.",
"content2": "At a minimum, Helsinki’s goal is to achieve Level AA accessibility or better in its digital services in accordance with the WCAG guidelines."
"section3": {
"heading1": "Helsinki-lisä -asiointipalvelun saavutettavuuden tila",
"content1": "Helsinki-lisä -asiointipalvelu täyttää lain asettamat kriittiset saavutettavuusvaatimukset WCAG v2.1 -tason AA mukaisesti seuraavin havaituin puuttein.",
"heading2": "Ei-saavutettava sisältö, havaitut puutteet ja puutteiden korjaus",
"content2": "Jäljempänä on esitetty havaittuja vielä korjaamattomia puutteita.",
"heading1": "The state of accessibility of the Helsinki-benefit e-service",
"content1": "The Helsinki benefit e-service meets the critical accessibility requirements set by law in accordance with WCAG v2.1 Level AA with the following identified shortcomings:",
"heading2": "Non-accessible content, identified deficiencies and corrective measures",
"content2": "Below are some of the identified deficiencies that have not yet been remedied.",
"list": {
"item1": {
"heading": "Ruudunlukuohjelman virheellinen kohdistusjärjestys",
"text": "Kun käyttäjä avaa uuden hakemuksen, ei ruudunlukuohjelman kohdistusta viedä lomakkeen alkuun, vaan kohdistus sijaitsee virheellisesti keskellä Työnantajan tiedot-osiota."
"heading": "The screen reader focus order is incorrect",
"text": "When users start a new application, the focus of the screen reader is not at the top of the form, but incorrectly in the middle of the Employer Information section."
"item2": {
"heading": "Nykyistä työvaihetta ei välitetä avustavalle teknologialle",
"text": "Lomakkeen työvaihelistauksesta ei välity teknistä informaatiota avustavalle teknologialle siitä, missä työvaiheessa käyttäjä parhaillaan on."
"heading": "The current work stage is not relayed to the assistive technology",
"text": "No technical information is transmitted from the workflow of the form to the assistive technology about which stage of the workflow the user is currently in."
"item3": {
"heading": "Useamman virheellisen lomakentän ilmoittaminen",
"text": "Palvelun virheilmoitukset esitetään useimmiten siten, että lomakkeen seuraavaan osioon siirtymisyrityksen yhteydessä käyttäjän selainkohdistus viedään lomakkeen ensimmäiseen virheelliseen lomakekenttään. Jos useammassa kentässä on virhe, muiden virheellisten kohtien löytäminen on hankalaa."
"heading": "Reporting more than one erroneous form field",
"text": "Error messages in the service are usually shown in a way that moves the user’s browser focus to the first erroneous form field when attempting to proceed to the next section of the form. It is difficult to find other errors if there is an error in more than one field."
"item4": {
"heading": "Virheilmoitusten tekstit liian yleisluontoisia",
"text": "Monissa kentissä käytettiin samaa virheilmoitusta eli ”Virheellinen arvo”. Tämä virheilmoitus on esim. Etunimi, Sukunimi, Lomaraha ja Työaika tuntia viikossa -kentissä."
"heading": "Error message texts are too general",
"text": "Many fields used the same error message, i.e. \"Incorrect value\". This error message appears in fields such as ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, ‘Holiday Pay’ and ‘Working Hours per Week’."
"item5": {
"heading": "Päivämäärien asettaminen ei onnistu tekstinsyöttökenttien avulla",
"text": "Ongelman vakavuutta pienentää se, että kalenteritoiminto on saavutettava ruudunlukuohjelmaa ja näppäimistöä käytettäessä."
"heading": "It is not possible to set dates using text input fields",
"text": "The severity of this problem is reduced by the fact that the calendar function is accessible when using the screen reader and keyboard."
"heading3": "Puutteiden korjaus",
"content3": "Havaittuja saavutettavuuspuutteita pyritään korjaamaan jatkuvasti. Tässä selosteessa havaittujen saavutettavuuspuutteiden listausta päivitetään sen mukaan, kun puutteita saadaan korjattua."
"heading3": "Correcting the deficiencies",
"content3": "Efforts are continuously underway to remedy the accessibility deficiencies that have been identified. The list of accessibility deficiencies identified in this statement will be updated as they are addressed."
"section4": {
"heading1": "Saavutettavuusselosteen laatiminen",
"content1": "Tämä seloste on päivitetty 05.06.2023."
"heading1": "Preparing the accessibility statement",
"content1": "This statement has been updated on 5 June 2023."
"section5": {
"heading1": "Saavutettavuuden arviointi",
"content1": "Saavutettavuuden arvioinnissa on noudatettu Helsingin kaupungin työohjetta ja menetelmiä, jotka pyrkivät varmistamaan sivuston saavutettavuuden kaikissa työvaiheissa.",
"content2": "Saavutettavuus on tarkistettu ulkopuolisen asiantuntijan suorittamana auditointina. Ulkopuolisen asiantuntija-auditoinnin on suorittanut Siteimprov 23.3.2022.",
"content3": "Saavutettavuus on tarkistettu käyttäen ohjelmallista saavutettavuustarkistusta sekä sivuston ja sisällön manuaalista tarkistusta. Ohjelmallinen tarkistus on suoritettu käyttäen Siteimproven saavutettavuuden automaattista testaustyökalua ja selainlaajennusta.",
"content4": "Manuaalisessa testauksessa on käytetty Chrome- ja Firefox-selaimia, niiden 200% tiloja sekä tietoteknisiä apuvälineitä, kuten ruudunlukuohjelmia, ohjaimia ja erikoisnäppäimistöjä. Mobiilitestaus toteutettiin iOS- ja Android-käyttöjärjestelmillä ja niille tarkoitetuilla ruudunlukuohjelmilla."
"heading1": "Assessing accessibility",
"content1": "The accessibility assessment has been carried out in accordance with the City of Helsinki’s work guidelines and methods, which aim to ensure that the site is accessible at all stages of operation.",
"content2": "Accessibility has been reviewed in an audit carried out by an external expert. Siteimprov carried out the external expert audit on 23 March 2022.",
"content3": "Accessibility has been reviewed using automated accessibility software and manual review of the site and content. The software check was performed using Siteimprove’s automatic accessibility testing tool and browser extension.",
"content4": "Manual testing was carried out using Chrome and Firefox browsers, their 200% zoom levels and IT tools such as screen readers, controllers and special keyboards. Mobile testing was carried out using iOS and Android operating systems and their dedicated screen readers."
"section6": {
"heading1": "Saavutettavuusselosteen päivittäminen",
"content1": "Sivuston saavutettavuudesta huolehditaan jatkuvalla valvonnalla tekniikan tai sisällön muuttuessa, sekä määräajoin suoritettavalla tarkistuksella. Tätä selostetta päivitetään sivuston muutosten ja saavutettavuuden tarkistusten yhteydessä."
"heading1": "Updating the accessibility statement",
"content1": "The accessibility of the website is ensured with continuous monitoring whenever the technology or content changes, as well as through periodic reviews. This statement is updated when the site changes and when accessibility is reviewed."
"section7": {
"heading1": "Huomasitko puutteita saavutettavuudessa?",
"content1": "Pyrimme jatkuvasti parantamaan verkkopalvelun saavutettavuutta. Jos löydät ongelmia, joita ei ole kuvattu tällä sivulla, ilmoita niistä meille ja teemme parhaamme puutteiden korjaamiseksi.",
"content2": "Anna palautetta tällä verkkolomakkeella ",
"content3": "Palautekanavan kautta voit myös pyytää saavutettavaan muotoon muokattuja tietoja sisällöstä."
"heading1": "Did you notice shortcomings in accessibility?",
"content1": "We are constantly working to improve the accessibility of our online service. If you find issues that are not described on this page, please let us know, and we will do our best to correct the deficiencies.",
"content2": "Provide feedback using this online form ",
"content3": "You can also use the feedback channel to request information about content in an accessible format."
"section8": {
"heading1": "Tietojen pyytäminen saavutettavassa muodossa",
"content1": "Mikäli et koe saavasi sivuston sisältöä saavutettavassa muodossa, voit pyytää tietoja palautelomakkeella ",
"content1end": ". Tiedusteluun pyritään vastaamaan kohtuullisessa ajassa."
"heading1": "Requesting information in accessible formats",
"content1": "If you do not experience the website content in an accessible format, you can request information using the feedback form. ",
"content1end": ". We aim to respond to enquiries within a reasonable time."
"section9": {
"heading1": "Saavutettavuuden valvonta",
"content1": "Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto valvoo saavutettavuusvaatimusten toteutumista. Jos et ole tyytyväinen saamaasi vastaukseen tai et saa vastausta lainkaan kahden viikon aikana, voit antaa palautteen Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirastoon.",
"contact1": "Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto,",
"contact2": "Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö",
"heading1": "Accessibility monitoring",
"content1": "The Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency supervises the fulfilment of accessibility requirements. If you are dissatisfied with your response – or if you receive no response within two weeks – you can submit feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency.",
"contact1": "Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency,",
"contact2": "Accessibility Monitoring Unit",
"contact3": "",
"contact4": "[email protected]",
"content2": "Helsinki-lisä -asiointi palvelun saavutettavuusselosteesta vastaa Helsingin kaupungin työllisyyspalvelut -yksikkö."
"content2": "The City of Helsinki Employment Services Unit is responsible for the accessibility statement of the Helsinki benefit service."
"section10": {
"heading1": "Helsingin kaupunki ja saavutettavuus",
"content1": "Kaupunki edistää digitaalisten palveluiden saavutettavuutta yhdenmukaistamalla julkaisutyötä ja järjestämällä saavutettavuuteen keskittyvää koulutusta henkilökunnalleen.",
"content2": "Sivustojen saavutettavuuden tasoa seurataan jatkuvasti sivustoja ylläpidettäessä. Havaittuihin puutteisiin reagoidaan välittömästi. Tarvittavat muutokset pyritään suorittamaan mahdollisimman nopeasti."
"heading1": "The City of Helsinki and accessibility",
"content1": "The city promotes the accessibility of digital services by standardising its publication activities and providing accessibility training for its staff.",
"content2": "The accessibility level of the sites is constantly monitored as the sites are maintained. Any identified deficiencies are addressed immediately. We aim to make the necessary changes as quickly as possible."
"section11": {
"heading1": "Vammaiset ja avustavien teknologioiden käyttäjät",
"content1": "Kaupunki tarjoaa neuvontaa ja tukea vammaisille ja avustavien teknologioiden käyttäjille. Tukea on saatavilla kaupungin sivuilla ilmoitetuilta neuvontasivuilta sekä puhelinneuvonnasta."
"heading1": "People with disabilities and users of assistive technologies",
"content1": "The city offers guidance and support for people with disabilities and users of assistive technologies. Support is available on the advisory pages on the city’s website and via the phone helpline."
"section12": {
"heading1": "Palaute ja yhteystiedot"
"heading1": "Feedback and contact information"
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