benefit-backend: v1.11.0
1.11.0 (2024-04-04)
- Add decision details information box to application page (aaf7794)
- Add localization for ahjo messages (#2891) (943be9d)
- Configure AHJO request timeout via settings (#2896) (c1382ad)
- Implement application alteration submission flow (ebbe9e5)
- Include alterations in application admin view (#2898) (bd08f18)
- Secret xml attachment as per the new design (#2899) (733065b)
Bug Fixes
- Change default work time percentage from 100 to 65 (#2900) (78435bd)
- Defer accepted/rejected status until the decision has been accepted in Ahjo (#2903) (09b6340)
- Flaky test because of unique username issue, reseed to address (f6c786c)
- Justify th elements to the right (#2912) (3d8acbe)
- Missing query parameters for AHJO delete (#2887) (63c95f1)
- Secret decision xml formatting (#2902) (3ffd311)
- Typo in Type (#2888) (f880842)