2.1.0 (2024-06-17)
Adjust title of ahjo application record (#3030 ) (0301827 )
applicant: Display chat icon in app view for statuses "accepted", "rejected" (hl-1292) (#3046 ) (fe856be )
Cancelled status after ahjo delete callback (#3078 ) (128fae4 )
Change failure response to ahjo as 200 ok (#3054 ) (8f9b5ac )
handler: Add seen by applicant in the messaging bar (#2989 ) (c4eca38 )
Implement search feature and GUI to handler's archive (hl-684) (#3039 ) (fe9112f )
Implement the app page components for alterations for handler (HL-1247) (#2982 ) (ffaee28 )
Import old applications from spreadsheet file (hl-1310) (#3056 ) (0302394 )
Run ahjo decision details requests hourly (#3049 ) (a3f56d9 )
Schedule Ahjo case delete (#3064 ) (392d7c8 )
Show de minimis status in the decision box for applicant (#3085 ) (HL-1266) (e511717 )
Update ahjo status after decision details request success (#3059 ) (7a7bb2c )
Bug Fixes
You can’t perform that action at this time.