New. Integrations. Added ContactFormPlugin handler.
Upd. Integrations. Skip new action for Wordpress File Uploader.
Upd. Settings. Advanced setting info added.
Fix. Comments moderation. Do not auto-approve comments if license is expired.
Fix. Code. ES Lint github action fixed.
Fix. Code. General. Compatibility with php 8.2.
Fix. Integration. WooCommerce. Event token added and JS status fixed.
Fix. Integrations. Added statement for handling space in attribute name.
Fix. Integrations. Added handler for KadenceBlocks.
Fix. Integrations. Skip WP Fusion Abandoned Cart Addon service requests.
Fix. Integrations. Prevented multi request after send.
Fix. SFW update. Get only common lists on expired key.
Fix. SFW update. Fixed case when DirectUpdate type always calls if has been called once.
Ref. Code. Function ct_preprocess_comment refactored to integration class.
Ref. Code. External forms. Deleted unnecessary conditions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.