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Example Application

In this tutorial, we are going to build a simple CRUD application to show how typical development with cloud- native-coding works.

I am using the following quite simple example Build a simple app using Node JS and MySQL

Preparation Steps

  1. Clone the demo repository with git clone
  2. In folder config execute k apply -k . to install required Kubernetes resources
  3. install MySQL extension VS-Code MySQL Extension
  4. create a new connection to host stage-mysql, user root and password UyH2EccNqK
  5. create DB and Table as written in the extension documentation

Install NodeJS and NPM

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
  1. Install nodemon with sudo npm install nodemon -g
  2. execute npm install
  3. Start application with nodemon app.js
  4. point your browser to
  5. edit code to review live changes