This ansible role installs a Kubernetes cluster.
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
# Version to install or latest
kube_version: 1.11.4
# Type of node front or wn
kube_type_of_node: front
# IP address or name of the Kube front node
kube_server: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
# Security Token
kube_token: "kube01.{{ lookup('password', '/tmp/tokenpass chars=ascii_lowercase,digits length=16') }}"
# Token TTL duration (0 do not expire)
kube_token_ttl: 0
# POD network cidr
# Kubelet extra args
kubelet_extra_args: ''
# Flag to set HELM to be installed
kube_install_helm: true
# Deploy the Dashboard
kube_deploy_dashboard: true
# value to pass to the kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address option
# A set of git repos and paths to be applied in the cluster. Following this format:
# kube_apply_repos: [{repo: "", version: "master", path: "deploy/1.8+/"}]
kube_apply_repos: []
# Flag to set Metrics-Server to be installed
kube_install_metrics: false
This an example of how to install this role in the front-end node:
And in the WNs: