API for the new RegnumStarter v6
- System Status/v1/warstatus
- Regnum Warstatus/v1/bosses/respawns
- Boss Respawns
There are way more API endpoints, but they are not documentated.
Everything here is mandatory.
Host with Node 22.11+
Woltlab Burning Board 5.3 with this API file (make sure to fill
)<?php // Include necessary WCF files require_once __DIR__ . '/global.php'; // Adjust the path to your global.php use wcf\system\user\authentication\UserAuthenticationFactory; // Define the API key (this should be stored securely and kept confidential) define('API_KEY', 'supersecretkey'); // Set the header for JSON responses header('Content-Type: application/json'); // Check if the API key is provided in the request headers $apiKey = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_API_KEY']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_API_KEY'] : ''; // Validate the provided API key if ($apiKey !== API_KEY) { echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Unauthorized access, invalid API key.']); exit; } // Get the request URI to determine the endpoint $requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Check if the request is directed to the /api.php/login endpoint if (preg_match('#^/api\.php/login$#', $requestUri)) { // If the request is for the login endpoint, call the login function loginEndpoint(); } else { // If the endpoint is invalid, return an error message echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid endpoint.']); } // Function for the login endpoint function loginEndpoint() { // Get the username and password from POST data $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; // Check if both username and password are provided if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Username and password are required.']); exit; } try { // Attempt to log in the user manually using the provided username and password $user = UserAuthenticationFactory::getInstance()->getUserAuthentication()->loginManually($username, $password); if ($user) { // If login is successful, return the user data (userID, username, email) echo json_encode([ 'success' => true, 'userID' => $user->userID, 'username' => $user->username, 'email' => $user->email, ]); } else { // If login fails, return an error message echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid username or password.']); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Catch any exceptions and return the error message echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage()]); } }
file in the project directory# MongoDB Configuration MONGO_URI=mongodb://<mongodb_user>:<mongodb_password>@cax.treudler.net:27017/ # Woltlab MySQL Configuration MYSQL_HOST=<mysql_host> MYSQL_PORT=<mysql_port> MYSQL_USER=<mysql_user> MYSQL_PASSWORD=<mysql_password> MYSQL_DATABASE=<mysql_database> # Woltlab API Configuration WOLTLAB_API_URL=<woltlab_api_url> WOLTLAB_API_KEY=<woltlab_api_key> # Application Configuration NODE_ENV=development PORT=3000 BASE_PATH=/v1 BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 # Email Configuration EMAIL_HOST=mail.treudler.net EMAIL_NAME=CoR-Forum Support (DEV) EMAIL_PASS=<email_password> EMAIL_PORT=587 EMAIL_SURE=true [email protected] # Discord Bot Configuration DISCORD_BOT=true DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<discord_bot_token> # the following tokens belong to joshua and manu DISCORD_ADMINS=188703762167234561,197880680619835392 DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID_WARSTATUS=<discord_channel_id> # Discord Channels DISCORD_LOG_CHANNEL_ID=<id> DISCORD_LOGIN_CHANNEL_ID=<id> DISCORD_WARSTATUS_CHANNEL_ID=<id> # Discord oAuth Configuration DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=<discord_client_id> DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET=<discord_client_secret> # JWT Configuration JWT_SECRET=<jwt_secret>
Install node packages
npm install
Run the API
nodemon index.js