The STS consists of three parts:
- The Active Directory (AD) handler that handles user authentification
- The Machine Token (MT) handler that manages Machine to Machine tokens used for two backend services to communicate with each other
- The App registration (Apps) that can be used to register new Apps within the organization, view the own app Id and request/grant read and write permissions for other apps in the organization (more details in the apps section)
All Active Directory Services are available through /GET/AD.
Required parameters:
cb: URL to which the authentification token should be sent
A URL string that the user has to be redirected to in order to log into the service
Example flow:
1. /GET/AD/login?cb=
2. Redirect user to the return URL
3. User authenticates in Azure AD
4. The STS internally receives a token that can be used to authenticate the user (JWT Bearer Token)
5. is called
For every login process you have to create a new login url.
Required parameters:
token: JWT Bearer token
Status 200 if the token is valid
Status 403 if the token is not valid
Receives the Active Directory profile of the signed in user.
Required parameters:
token: JWT Bearer token
@odata.context: "$metadata#users/$entity"
businessPhones: String Array
displayName: String
givenName: String
id: Unique Azure AD ID String
jobTitle: String
mail: String
mobilePhone: String
officeLocation: String
preferredLanguage: Country Code String (e.g. de-de, en-us)
surname: String
userPrincipalName: String
Creates a new token that can be used to securely communicate between two backend services with making sure that only CodeEd Apps which have pre-approved permissions can access the app.
Required parameters:
from: Application ID of the app which wants permission
to: Application ID of the app which should be accessed
JWT Bearer token
Machine tokens can be cached to increase the performance for further backend communication. They also don't expire which means a successful validation can be cached as well (although the token must not be stored persistently!)
Validates a Machine token to make sure it has been issued by the STS.
Required parameters:
token: JWT Bearer token
from: App Id of the App which requests permissions
to: App Id of the App which grants permissions
permission: Permission level which was granted (r: read, w: write, rw: readwrite)
Website to register a new application into the CodeEd application landscape. Requires a user to be logged in to authenticate as a valid member of the organisation.
Required parameters:
token: JWT bearer token
HTML Website to register your new app
Website to view your registered apps and to approve permission requests of other applications.
Required parameters:
token: JWT bearer token
HTML Website to view your apps