LuxCoreRender is a physically correct, unbiased rendering engine. It is built on physically based equations that model the transportation of light. This allows it to accurately capture a wide range of phenomena which most other rendering programs are simply unable to reproduce.
You can find more information about at
First, ensure you have a suitable toolchain:
- Windows: MSVC >= 1942 (runtime >= 14.42)
- Linux: gcc 14
- MacOS Intel: XCode 15.2
- MacOS Arm: XCode 15.4
Ensure the following software is also installed and available in the PATH:
- Git
- Conan (
pip install conan
) - Python 3
- CMake
- Ninja
git clone
cd LuxCore
git checkout for_v2.10
make deps
This will download LuxCore source code and LuxCore precompiled dependencies, configure CMake and start the build.
Nota: second make
statement can also name a specific target. Examples:
make luxcore
make pyluxcore
make luxcoreconsole
make luxcoreui
make clean
: clean build tree (delete intermediate files)make clear
: remove build treemake config
: configure/reconfigure projectmake deps
: update dependencies:make deps
LuxCore is the new LuxCoreRender v2.x C++ and Python API. It is released under Apache Public License v2.0 and can be freely used in open source and commercial applications.
You can find more information about the API at
This is the most complete example of LuxCore API usage and it is available in
the samples/luxcoreui
To see how it works, just run luxcoreui
from the root directory:
./build/bin/luxcoreui scenes/cornell/cornell.cfg
This is a simple example of a command line renderer written using LuxCore API and it is
available in the samples/luxcoreconsole
Just run luxcoreconsole
from the root directory with:
./build/bin/luxcoreconsole -D batch.halttime 10 scenes/cornell/cornell.cfg
See AUTHORS.txt file.
A special thanks goes to:
- Alain "Chiaroscuro" Ducharme for Blender 2.5 exporter and several scenes provided;
- Sladjan "lom" Ristic for several scenes provided;
- Riku "rikb" Walve for source patches;
- David "livuxman" Rodriguez for source patches;
- Daniel "ZanQdo" Salazar for Sala scene and Michael "neo2068" Klemm for SLG2 adaptation;
- Mourelas Konstantinos "Moure" for Room Scene;
- Diego Nehab for PLY reading/writing library;
- HDR Labs sIBL archive and SHT Lab for HDR maps;
- Chronosphere for Cornell Blender scene;
- libPNG authors;
- zlib authors;
- OpenEXR authors;
- OpenImageIO authors;
- Tomas Davidovic for SmallVCM, an endless source of hints;
- GLFW authors;
- ImGUI authors;
- Cycles authors for HSV/RGB conversion code;
- OpenVDB authors;
- Eigen authors;
- Yangli Hector Yee, Steven Myint and Jeff Terrace for perceptualdiff;
- Michael Labbe for Native File Dialog;
- Sven Forstmann's quadric mesh simplification code.
- SpdLog authors
This software is released under Apache License Version 2.0 (see COPYING.txt file).