Simple package for creating a Stripe Bank Account Token from Plaid Link.
This package requires Laravel 5.5 or higher.
Require the package using composer:
composer require CodeKoalas/laravel-stripe-plaid
The service provider will automatically get registered.
You can publish the configuration file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\StripePlaidServiceProvider" --tag="config"
When published, the config/stripe-plaid.php
config file contains:
return [
| Environment
| The environment on which the API host will be set up, the accepted values
| are: sandbox, development and production.
'environment' => env('PLAID_ENVIRONMENT', ''),
| Secret
| Private API key, here you need to add the respective secret key based on
| the environment that is set up. This value can be found on your Plaid
| account under the keys section.
'secret' => env('PLAID_SECRET', ''),
| Client Id
| The client id is an identifier for the Plaid account and can be found
| on your Plaid account under the keys section. This value is always
| the same, doesn't change based on environment.
'client_id' => env('PLAID_CLIENT_ID', ''),
| Client Name
| The name of your application, as it should be displayed in Link.
'client_name' => env('PLAID_CLIENT_NAME', ''),
| Language
| The language that Link should be displayed in.
| When using a Link customization, the language configured here must match the setting
| in the customization, or the customization will not be applied.
| Supported languages are: English ('en'), French ('fr'), Spanish ('es'), Dutch ('nl')
'language' => 'en',
| Country Codes
| Specify an array of Plaid-supported country codes using the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code standard.
| Note that if you initialize with a European country code, your users will see the European consent panel
| during the Link flow.
| If Link is launched with multiple country codes, only products that you are enabled for in all countries will be used by Link.
| Supported country codes are: US, CA, ES, FR, GB, IE, NL. Example value: ['US', 'CA'].
'country_codes' => ['US'],
| Products
| List of Plaid product(s) you wish to use. If launching Link in update mode,
| should be omitted; required otherwise
| Supported products are: transactions, auth, identity, assets, investments, liabilities, payment_initiation.
| Example value: ['auth', 'transactions']
'products' => ['auth', 'transactions'],
First, add the Plaid keys and environment to the config/stripe-plaid.php
file or on your .env
Then, you need to create the link_token
which is required as a parameter when initializing Link. Once Link has been initialized, it returns a public_token
To create the public token use createLinkToken
, this function needs the $clientUserId
(you can find more information here), optionally this fuction accepts $clientName, $products, $language, $countryCodes
if you don't provide these values the values on config/stripe-plaid.php
config file will be used.
use CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\StripePlaid;
$clientUserId = 'client_user_id';
$stripePlaid = new StripePlaid();
$linkToken = $stripePlaid->createLinkToken($clientUserId);
Now you can use the value of $linkToken
on Link Web to get the public_token
and account_id
use CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\StripePlaid;
$accountId = 'plaid_link_account_id';
$publicToken = 'plaid_link_public_token';
$stripePlaid = new StripePlaid();
$stripeToken = $stripePlaid->getStripeToken($publicToken, $accountId);
After that you can process the payment with the $stripeToken
as you do with a Stripe Elements token.
The link creation and the exchange can be done with a Facade too.
use CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\Facades\StripePlaid;
$clientUserId = 'your_end_user_id';
$linkToken = StripePlaid::createLinkToken($clientUserId);
use CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\Facades\StripePlaid;
$accountId = 'plaid_link_account_id';
$publicToken = 'plaid_link_public_token';
$stripeToken = StripePlaid::getStripeToken($publicToken, $accountId);
Alternatively the Plaid keys can be set prior token exchange, this is handy when multiple Plaid accounts are going to be used.
use CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\StripePlaid;
$secret = 'your_plaid_secret_key';
$clientId = 'your_plaid_client_id';
$environment = 'sandbox';
$accountId = 'plaid_link_account_id';
$publicToken = 'plaid_link_public_token';
$stripeToken = StripePlaid::make($secret, $clientId, $environment)->getStripeToken($publicToken, $accountId);
When an error occurs a PlaidException
will be thrown. You can catch the PlaidException
on the Exceptions\Handler.php
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
if ($exception instanceof \CodeKoalas\LaravelStripePlaid\Exceptions\PlaidException) {
// Manage exception here ...
return parent::render($request, $exception);
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.