Made with create-react-library
npm install --save base-service-fran-dev
The main purpose is to create a class ob the basic methods for the API requests. Create a service with your BASE_PATH and API endpoint and you will access to the following methods. All methods use Axios request.
-> postData(formdata) -> formdata is the data send to the API. -> postData has the POST method. -> headers : "Content-Type":"application/json" -> Url pass as parameter on the constructor of your class. (endpioint of api)
Create (service).js file
//Methods of BaseService
async postData(formData){}
async postDataAuth(formData, logout){}
async editData(id, formData){}
async editDataAuth(id, formData, logout){}
async getAll(page, numberOfItems){} //page & numberOfItems are optional defaults = ""
async getAllAuth(logout, page, numberOfItems){} //page & numberOfItems are optional defaults = ""
async getAllById(id){}
async getAllByIdAuth(id, logout){}
async getById(id){}
async deleteAuth(id, logout){}
async delete(id, logout){}
async filter(irequestFilter){}
// let irequestFilter = []
// irequestFilter.push({'key':'X', 'value': '1'})
// irequestFilter.push({'key':'y', 'value': '2'})
// irequestFilter.push({'key':'z', 'value': '3'})
async uploadDoc(formData, logout)
import { BaseService } from 'base-service-fran-dev'
import { BASE_URL } from '../constants/constants'
export default class Service extends BaseService(){
const baseUrl = BASE_URL;
const endpoint = "endpoint"
super(baseUrl, endpoint);
import Service from './service.js' //import service
async function functionName(){
let Service = new Service();
let response = await Service.postData({data})
MIT © fran-dev