This repository contains Helm charts for deploying CodeTogether software, including:
- Intelligence Suite – Engineering intelligence for data-driven insights
- Collabolation Module – Real-time collaboration within the IDE
The codetogether/codetogether-intel
Helm chart deploys the latest version of the CodeTogether Intelligence Suite backend. The Intelligence Suite leverages DevEx Workflow AI to drive goal-oriented success. It operates independently of server connectivity, allowing clients to continue tracking project activity locally and synchronize once the server is available.
The codetogether/codetogether-collab
Helm chart deploys the latest version of the CodeTogether Collabolation module backend. It enables real-time collaborative coding within the IDE, enhancing team synergy and communication across projects.
The codetogether/codetogether-hq
Helm chart supports legacy users needing to deploy a previous version of the CodeTogether HQ Intelligence Suite backend.
The codetogether/codetogether
Helm chart supports legacy users needing to deploy a previous version of the CodeTogether Live backend.
Add the CodeTogether repository to your Helm configuration:
helm repo add codetogether
Install a Helm chart using:
helm install codetogether codetogether/codetogether -f codetogether-values.yaml