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API property

Manuel Strehl edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 6 revisions

Show one Property for All Codepoints

This endpoint returns a PNG image.

Template for this request:{property}

where {property} is one of the properties defined by Unicode. For a list of properties call the endpoint without a defined {property}.


Images are 256 × 768 Pixel large. A sample response image for the property block looks like this:

sample image

Every pixel corresponds to one codepoint. U+0000 is in the upper left corner, then it goes from left to right and top to bottom for all codepoints in the first three planes. Unassigned codepoints remain transparent.

Possible Errors

Errors return a JSON response.

  1. 400 Bad Request: If the value for {property} is not a recognized Unicode property.
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