Social network application for current Codesmith residents and alumni
Register a new database on and take note of the DB connection string.
Run the table hydration script using your DB connection string
psql -d postgres://<database username>:<database password>@<database host>/<database name> -f ./dbutils/hydrate_schema.sql
Clone this repo
cd Codesmith-Social-Network
npm install
In the
directory, createa asecrets.js
file. It should have the following content:
const secrets = {
CLIENT_SECRET: '<OAuth Client Secret>',
PG_URI: 'postgres://<PostgreSQL Connection String>'
module.exports = secrets;
Replace OAuth Client Secret and PG_URI with the configuration strings appropriate to your implementation.
Use the
npm run dev
command to start both the Express.js API server and a development Webpack server concurrently. By default, they will listen on ports 3000 and 8080 respectively. -
Open a web browser to http://localhost:8080
pg_dump -v -h <database hostname> -U <database user> -C <database name> -f ./database_backup.sql
If you are using ElephantSQL, this process can take some time. Be patient!