I'm shifting from a simple utils library to a powerful test/scripting assistant with virtualized testing environments, deep browser debugging, and advanced automation. All the information bellow will be outdated, Stay tuned for updates!
- 🚀 End-to-End Testing: Automated workflows for user interactions.
- 🔐 Negative/Brute Force Testing: Simulate edge cases and malicious user behavior.
- 🔧 Reusable Utilities: Shared helpers for common tasks (e.g., authentication, navigation).
- 📊 Reports: Detailed HTML reports with screenshots and trace files.
- 🌐 Cross-Browser Testing: Runs tests on Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox.
├── tests/ # Test scripts categorized into folders
│ ├── e2e/ # End-to-end workflow tests
│ ├── negative/ # Edge case and brute-force testing
│ └── regression/ # Regression suite for existing features
├── utils/ # Helper functions and common utilities
│ ├── helpers.ts # General utilities
│ ├── Navigation/ # Navigation helpers
│ ├── API/ # API interaction utilities
│ ├── Custom/ # Custom assertions with higher complexity
│ ├── Hacking/ # Edge case and brute-force testing utilities
│ └── Generators/ # Test case generation tools
├── playwright.config.ts # Playwright configuration file
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── README.md # This file
└── .gitignore # Ignored files
git clone https://github.com/mlpeter33/BreakPointLab.git
cd BreakPointLab
npm install
Create a .env file for storing sensitive data like API keys or base URLs. Example:
- All Tests:
npx playwright test
- Specific folder:
npx playwright test tests/your-folder/
- Specific test file: Note: If the file is located in tests/ writing the name of the file is enough, if it is in a different folder then type the path.
npx playwright test your-test-name
- With browser UI:
npx playwright test your-test-name --header
Reports are automatically generated in the playwright-report/ folder. Open the report:
npx playwright show-report
Create tests under the tests/ folder. Here's an example of a login test:
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
// Import the test and expect functions from Playwright's test module.
test('User can log in successfully', async ({ page }) => {
// Define a test case with a description and an asynchronous test function.
// The "page" object represents a browser tab or page.
await page.goto(process.env.BASE_URL);
// Navigate to the base URL, preferably set in the environment variables
await page.fill('#username', 'test_user');
// Find the input field with the selector '#username' and fill it with 'test_user'.
await page.fill('#password', 'secure_password');
// Find the input field with the selector '#password' and fill it with 'secure_password
await page.click('button[type="submit"]');
// Find the submit button using its selector and simulate a click action.
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/dashboard/);
// Assert that the page URL matches the expected pattern, indicating successful login.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch.
- Submit a pull request.
Thanks to the Playwright team for creating such a powerful testing framework.
- Create a diverse and useful utility folder.
- Use case for almost every util.