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[Tutorial] Adding or updating a translation

Colin Duquesnoy edited this page Jul 30, 2017 · 17 revisions

This tutorial is meant for both developers and non-developers

Adding a new translation

MellowPlayer translations are hosted on transifex:

  • Create an account at transifex
  • Go to the project's homepage and click on the "Join the team" button
  • If the language you want to work on does not exists yet, send us a language request. Once the request has been accepted, a new translation file for the requested language will be created automatically by transifex. Please choose the simplified language version (e.g. prefer de to de_DE) unless there is a good reason to use the country specific locale.
  • To actually start translating, go to the project's home page on transifex and click on the translate button. This will open the translator tool where you can choose the resource and the language you want to work on.
  • When you've finished with your translations, let us know by dropping a comment in the forum

Choose language to translate

Click on translate

Transifex editor

Update translations

This section is reminder for the project owner, contributors do need to run the below steps.

Update translation source

src/MellowPlayer_en.ts is the source for all translations.

Update procedure:

  1. run cmake with -DUPDATE_TRANSLATIONS=ON
  2. push source to transifex will update all translations: tx push -s

Integrate translations from contributors from transifex

The work made by contributors on transifex needs to be pulled into the github repo.

Pull procedure:

  1. tx pull -a
  2. build MellowPlayer to generate qm files
  3. push to github