One Paragraph Description of your Project
The prerequsites needed for this project to work, software, libraries, etc (If unessessary, delete this section)
A step-by-step guide of installing this project on a system, to allow easy on-boarding of developers (If unessessary, delete this section)
Explain the tests present in this project (If unessessary, delete this section)
Please include the coding styles present in this project (Note: This should be PEP8 in a Python Project or Airbnb Coding Style in a JavaScript/TypeScript Project unless authorisation is given by Solon#4472)
- Include
- What
- This
- Project
- Is
- Built
- With
Please include the people involved in this project in a bullted list
Please contact Solon#4472 if you wish to license your project
General acknoledgments (If unessessary, delete this section)