- Subscriber ID (IMSI)
- SIM serial (ICCID)
- Phone and mailbox number
- Incoming call number
- Outgoing call number
- GPS location
- Network location
- List of accounts (including your google e-mail address)
- Account auth tokens
- Contacts
- Call logs
- Calendar
- Browser bookmarks and history
- System logs
- SIM info (operator, country)
- Network info (operator, country)
- IP Tables(until now only for Java process)
- Android ID
- Call Phone
- Send SMS
- Send MMS
- Record Audio
- Access Camera
- Force online state (fake online state to permanent online)
- Wifi Info
- ICC Access (integrated circuit-card access, for reading/writing sms on ICC)
- Switch network state (e.g. mobile network)
- Switch Wifi State
- Start on Boot (prevents that application gets the INTENT_BOOT_COMPLETE Broadcast)
- It is developed by the main core developer CollegeDev who knows a lot about the features PDroid2.0 supports especially the new ones, because he wrotes them
- Only ~300Kb filesize of the application (very small)
- Really small battery consumption -> it is not listed in the battery statistics
- In future it will provide FULL 256bit AES encryption technology -> nobody except you can access your private data
- You will get support for application AND framework if something went wrong
- NO background service needed
- NO permission required for the app to run and that will NEVER change
- No performance impacts
If you've found any Bug in PDroid2.0 you can open a new Issue here on GitHub. Please describe the bug as precise as you can, this will help me a lot. If you're a German native speaker, you can provide a Bug Report in German too. It is recommended to attach a Logcat too (best would be one with verbose filter and one with error filter).
If you have any suggestion for PDroid2.0 or some good new Ideas you can just open a new 'enhancement' and I will have a look at it. It is also recommended to discuss new features inside the 'enhancement'. From time to time I will open new enhancements to give you the possibility to get involved in the creation of the features.
Yes it is. I will upload it in the next few days.
You're allowed to distribute the Application but not allowed to compile it without asking for permissions. If you want to compile it, please get in touch with me.
I will push the sources within the next few release(s) :-)
If you want to test the new features which are currently under development you should use the 'devel' branch, but if you want to have a stable Application you should use the 'master' branch.
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features
* included in this Patch and/or Application before flashing or installing it! YOU are
* choosing to make these modifications by installing the Application or flashing the Patch, and if you point the finger
* at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.