Symphony is a simple Discord music bot written with Javascript. It was made as a substitution for other Discord music bots that have been shut down by Youtube.
- Play music in voice channels
- Queue music with direct youtube links or search with keywords
- Pause, resume, skip, and remove songs from the queue
- Shuffle songs within the queue
- Loop individual songs or the entire queue
- Display information such as latency, queue tracks, and player status
- Javascript syntax
- Node.js and how to build a Node.js project
- Basics of Git and version control
- Using Environment Variables with dotenv
- Reading documentation and understanding class structure
- Finding errors and fixing them using an error logging system
- dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env files
- discord.js - Node.js module for interacting with Discord API
- @discord.js/builders - Slash command builder
- @discord.js/rest - REST API for discord.js
- @discord.js/voice - Node.js implementation of Discord Voice API
- discord-api-types - Type definitions for the Discord API
- ffmpeg-static - FFmpeg static binaries
- libsodium-wrappers - Encrypts audio
- opusscript - Encodes audio
- yt-search - A youtube search API
- ytdl-core - A youtube downloading module
- ytpl - Resolves youtube playlists
Invite Link: Click Here to invite the Bot!