env JWT_SECRET=secret DB_PASSWORD=secret ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret DB_PATH=advent-calendar.db
GET / -> view years as a list [2024, 2023, 2022, 2021]
GET /:year -> view a list of days [1, 2, 3]
GET /:year/:day -> view a problem:
- User needs to be authenticated
- Problem is locked until a certain date {"desbloqueado": false, "tiempos_para_desbloquear": "1h 30m 15s"}
- If user has not submitted a valid answer yet, return the problem {"problema": "Enunciado", "respuesta_valida": false}
- If user has submitted a valid answer, return the problem and the user's answer {"problema": "Enunciado", "respuesta_valida": true, "respuesta_usuario": "Respuesta"}
POST /:year/:day -> submit an answer to a problem {"solucion_propuesta": "Respuesta"}
GET /ranking/:year -> view the ranking of users for a year ordered by the number of problems solved and the sum of the time it took
{ 1: {usuario: "Usuario", problemas_resueltos: 3, tiempo_total: "1h 30m 15s"}, 2: {usuario: "Usuario", problemas_resueltos: 2, tiempo_total: "1h 30m 15s"}, 3: {usuario: "Usuario", problemas_resueltos: 1, tiempo_total: "1h 30m 15s"} }
GET /:year/resueltas -> view the problems solved by a user for a year
POST /admin -> login as admin {password}
POST /admin/problemas -> create a problem { "year": 2024, "dia": 1, "titulo": "New Problem", "enunciado": "Problem description", "solucion": "Solution description", "fecha_desbloqueo": "2024-11-19T12:00:00Z", "fecha_bloqueo": "2024-11-20T12:00:00Z" }
PUT /admin/problemas/:year/:day -> update a problem
DELETE /admin/problemas/:year/:day -> delete a problem
GET /admin/info_problemas -> view all problems
POST: /register -> register a user {Correo, Usuario, Constraseña}
POST: /login -> login a user {Valor, Contraseña}