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Purescript DataCite

License: MPL 2.0

PureScript types for representing and reading DatCite (currently JSON only) records.


Build code

npm install

npm run build

Run Tests

Tests use static copies of data obtained from DataCite, so they should periodically be checked against DataCite in case of a Schema update.

JSON differences from XML Schema

This is likely an incomplete list.

  • The "formats" field is not nested like "formats->format" as it is in XML, but is just an array named "formats".
  • DataCite JSON has a container field that stores additional information about content location, but this is just a convenience (i.e. redundancy) around existing fields).



Generate Draft Haskell datatypes

As I'm unaware of any utility to generate PureScript types from XML schemas, we'll use a relatively similar language output (Haskell). The Haskell type can then be manually converted to PureScript. We have committed the XML schema and generated Haskell code so that diffs of future schema versions may be readily obtained when updating the PureScript datatypes. Also of note, it is important to be aware of some differences between DataCite JSON and XML.

All of the following commands should be run from the schemas subdirectory.

Using e.g. nix, bring HaXml into the environment:

nix-shell -p haskellPackages.HaXml

Create a copy of the schema that you will modify so that it will work with HaXml (XsdToHaskell):

cp metadata_4.3.xsd metadata_4.3_mod.xsd

Manual Schema modifications

The following changes need to be made to work with XsdToHaskell:

  • XsdToHaskell doesn't support xs:all, and anyway, the Haskell representation would be somewhat different (and not as good) as in PureScript, as in PureScript the natural choice seems to be record. Replace all occurrences of xs:all with xs:sequence. Currently this includes:
    • The xs:complexType children of xs:element name="resource".
    • The xs:complexType children of xs:element name="fundingReference".
    • Children of xs:complexType name="point".
    • Children of xs:complexType name="box".

Generating the output

Generate Haskell output by running the following:

XsdToHaskell < metadata_4.3_mod.xsd > metadata_4.3.xsd.hs

At this point, it is now a manual process to adapt (any changes to) the code in DataCite.Types, but you can use diffs with the previously generated .hs files (as well as diffs between actual .xsd schema files) as a guide.