Hackathon idea to create an app to facilitate RIPAS blood bank notification / information
Current usage seems to be a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BloodBankRIPAS.Brunei
- Repo: https://github.com/CornerGeeks/RIPAS-Blood-Bank
- Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/vXQqymAR/bgm-ripas-blood
- Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15-a_IUR_UBf3MnVLTttkcMqBgX1El6emRIFsLlviaI8/edit?usp=sharing
- Hackathon comments: http://www.meetup.com/BruneiGeekMeet/events/156631312/
- Webapp: http://bgm.cornergeeks.com/brunei/blood/
Based on comment on the event page: http://www.meetup.com/BruneiGeekMeet/events/156631312/
- Make mobile app and get notifications on FB update?
- Admin interface for RIPAS people to update? (will update Facebook and maybe a website as well?)
- Let users register blood type on their device which is saved in a server (can target specific blood types in notifications & perhaps a stat for their management to know the ratio of blood groups)