Web based clicker or interactive polls for presentation and classrooms.
- Author: Firdaus Zailani
- Source: http://mfirdaus.net/tanyakan/source_0.01.zip
- Demo : http://mfirdaus.net/tanyakan/
- Web server running PHP and MySQL
- Copy / Rename config.php.template to config.php
- Fill in config.php values to suit your environment
- Start the app (no need to create DB tables thanks to RedBeanPHP)
- RedBeanPHP (http://redbeanphp.com/)
- Twitter Bootstrap (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/)
- jQuery (http://jquery.com)
I wanted to use the app as a way to get feedback from students during the lesson like with a clicker ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clicker_(classroom) ). I thought that students mostly have smartphones now so, I imagine that would be the primary target. Teachers would simply run a portable wamp install with this, and hopefully it would be an almost turn-key solution. Only the bare minimum works right now.
You can create a room, and a pin is given. You can then create questions. The students should be able to enter the pin, and they will be directed to a page that shows the options. The teacher can then show the results in the projector and a pie chart updates in real-time (ish. 5sec delay).