SmartBoard is a smart business dashboard that allows users to apply one or more Data Science algorithms to a dataset (e.g. Regression, Clustering, Classification, Association) to solve a business data problem (such as fraud detection, sales forecasting, customer segmentation ... etc).
• Provide an easy to use yet powerful solution for Data Analytics using a predefined algorithms and ready to use data model for most common data problem.
• Companies can upload their data to the dashboard (via http or ftp) in different formats (csv, xlsx) • They can then select an appropriate algorithm (Regression, Classification, Clustering, Association) to solve a specific business data problem (things like: Fraud detection, Customer Segmentation, Sales forecast) • Generate a Machine Learning model for different purposes (Prediction, Classification…etc.) • Save the generated data model for further analysis (each user/company has his own space to store and restore data model) • Use the predefined model on a new uploaded dataset for analysis
• This screenshoot shows the clustering algorithm
• $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Test repo for the Smartboard project Sheet Js file with Some functions generate different views of the sheets: sheet_to_csv generates CSV sheet_to_txt generates UTF16 Formatted Text sheet_to_html generates HTML Xsheet_to_json generates an array of object. sheet_to_formulae generates a list of formulae