To run the default stack using images from Docker Hub:
docker-compose up
Request e.g. http://localhost:3000/accounts/createAdmin
to create an initial account "admin". For the (randomly generated) password, check stdout
Prepare ./kustomization.yaml
(include ./k8s
as base, configure NS, labels, etc.) and deploy:
kubectl apply -k .
Check that all resources are deployed and the deployment are ready:
kubectl get -k .
Request /accounts/createAdmin
to create an initial account "admin". For the (randomly generated) password, check the logs, e.g.:
kubectl logs \
--selector app=course-mapper,component=web \
--namespace default
- MongoDB (installed and running)
- NodeJS and npm (installed)
# Install tools globally
sudo npm install -g bower gulp grunt nodemon
# Install JS modules
npm install
bower install
# Build front-end JS
# Run Mocha tests
npm test
# Start web app
or nodemon