##An OSM Blog. Currently in test-phase.
This site was built using Jekyll, a static site generator (Intro to Jekyll video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7NBEFmA7yA)
This is an existing Grunt project (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started). Assuming that the Grunt CLI has been installed and that the project has already been configured with a package.json and a Gruntfile, it's very easy to start working with Grunt:
- Navigate to the project's root directory.
- Install project dependencies with 'npm install' command.
- run Grunt with 'grunt' command.
- run 'bundle install' to get required gems
If jekyll build results in unresolved specs for some of the gems, try running 'sudo bundle clean --force' followed by 'bundle install'
-The Grunt file does many optimization functions and builds the Jekyll site
Deploying Jekyll site to GitHub Pages (http://jekyllrb.com/docs/github-pages/) -This involves changing the baseurl name in the _config file