The application was created in November 2019, as a final project during the last 2 weeks of the Craft Academy Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp.
Becca Burns
Clarissa Liljander
Miyesier Kaerman
Sverrir Steindorsson
Yasmine Ezequiel
This application consists of a front-end Client and a back-end API.
Front-end Deployment and Front-end GitHub
Back-end Deployment and Back-end GitHub
Our team worked agile over the two week timeline using 7 day sprints beginning with a two-day design sprint. For more information, please read our user stories and our features on our Pivotal Tracker board.
If you want to try out the code for yourself on your local machine:
Fork the repo, clone it down, make sure you run yarn install
Back-end API:
- API with Ruby, version 2.5.1
- API withRuby on Rails, verion 6.0.1
- API is using RSpec for automated testing
Front-end Client:
- Client with React
- Client is using Cypress for automated testing
- User generated images are stored on Amazon webstorage
- Client is styled using Semantic UI React and CSS.
Continuous integration is handled using Semaphore
Front-end Client tests can be found in the folder cypress
and it's sub-folders. The front-end is connected to our back-end API. You can test by forking the repository as well. Then change the url from our Heroku to http://localhost:3000
To run a test (you must have yarn installed), run yarn cy:open
in your terminal.
To our coaches and staff at Craft Academy!
This project is under the MIT-license