👷 Hi, I’m @CraigWatt. I currently work at Sky as a Content Systems Engineering Support Engineer.
🪛 I’m interested in C + Video Encoding + Streaming Pipelines + React + TypeScript + Next.js + Component Libraries + CDD (Component Driven Development(Storybook)) & TDD (Test Driven Development) + Serverless (AWS Lambda) + Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (Github Actions)
🏗️ I’m currently building and always learning more about all of the above...
🎤 I’m looking to collaborate on C Video Encoding Development (or anything C really...) as well as Web App Development that involves React/Next.js (or similar)
⬇️ Here are my active repos: vfo + cv website
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
🌐 In future, checkout my Website CV: craigwatt.co.uk (in progress)
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/devcraigwatt
🎥 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@devcraigwatt
✍️ Medium: https://medium.com/@devcraigwatt
🗣️ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-watt-00bbb3103/
Current preffered Web Dev Tech Stack:
Package Managers: NPM Yarn (Bun) <-- must take a look at this as it may replace node js and npm and webpack alltogether! How does this impact next.js framework!?
AI tools: Midjourney
Design tools: Figma Storybook
Libraries: React Stitches Radix
Frameworks: Next.js (dynamic) ?? (static) -- need to check recent tweets/stars to confirm CSR vs SSR?
CI/CD tools: Github Actions Chromatic (should tie Figma with Storybook more easily)
Project Management tools: GitHub Repos + Issues + Projects
Testing Tools: storybook/testing-library testing-library/react Cyprus
Future considerations/Hosting: AWS ? Lamba? Docker? Backend Node.js? Database? Backend testing?