This module is small but easy to use. The purpose of this module is to check the topic of a MQTT object if t valid. Why a simple compare function is not always sufficient. A topic must sometimes be compared with wildcards to validate that it is a valid topic. So this library can tell you if a topic is valid against a compared topic which can contain MQTT wildcards.
The code contains seven methods to validate that the topic is valid against the compared topic.
The first method it to compare the topic as a whole string with the compared topic. Meaning that the compared topic does not contain any wildcards.
This compare method will actually find each and every topic as valid against the compared, but this is only true if the compared topic only contains a # wildcard.
From here on all methods will start doing a section compare between the topic and the compared topic. It will loop through each section to compare it with the topic until a # wildcard is found. And then will see it as a valid topic.
This compare method will validate all section to compare that topic and the compare topic is similar, but it will check for the + wildcard in the compares topics. So when it sees a section with a + it will go on and validate the rest of the sections.
This compare method check each section between the topic and the compared topic is similar.
Will check that both the topic and the compared topic have the same amount of section.
This method confirms is basically when all checks is confirmed to be valid and there no more sections left to test.
This following code is actually how I tested that all methods correctly functioned as intended, is also provided in this module.
import { mqttTopicIsValid } from '@teamcoder/mqtttopicvalidator';
console.log( "Testing Condition 1 Passed = " + mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 2 Passed = " + mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "#" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 3 Passed = " + mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/groundfloor/#" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 4 Passed = " + mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 5 Passed = " + !mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/topfloor/livingroom/temperature" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 6 Passed = " + !mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature/max" ) );
console.log( "Testing Condition 7 Passed = " + mqttTopicIsValid( "myhome/groundfloor/livingroom/temperature" , "myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature" ) );
The results will look as follows
Testing Condition 1 Passed = true
Testing Condition 2 Passed = true
Testing Condition 3 Passed = true
Testing Condition 4 Passed = true
Testing Condition 5 Passed = true
Testing Condition 6 Passed = true
Testing Condition 7 Passed = true
@param { String } source The source string to be compared
@param { String } target The target string to be compared
@return { Boolean } Validation passed or failed
Very important to remember to always include the following in your main project package.json file:
"type": "module"
Without this entry in the package file you will get the following error if you try to run your project
(node:15500) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
(Use 'node --trace-warnings ...' to show where the warning was created)
C:\Users\ ... \mqtttopicvalidator\mqtttopicvalidator.js:1
import { mqttTopicIsValid } from '@teamcoder/mqtttopicvalidator';
Version | Date | Remark |
1.0.0 | 06 September 2022 | Official first release |
1.0.1 | 06 September 2022 | Correcting documentation |
1.0.2 | 09 September 2022 | Fixed package.json so that npm can install on any os |
1.0.3 | 10 September 2022 | Fixed code to be proper npm package |
1.0.4 | 10 September 2022 | Correcting documentation |
1.0.5 | 11 September 2022 | Removed Default from export function in longervalidator.js file |
Run the following command in a terminal or command prompt in the folder you want to install the module to.
npm i @teamcoder/mqtttopicvalidator
Windows, Linux and RaspberryPi
MqttTopicValidator © 2022 by Adriaan J. van Rensburg (CreepyCoderMC) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
To view a online copy of this license, visit