This is some old work from a couple of years back. code and idea based on gatsby-woocommerce-themes by imranhsayed.
This project is consists of a next.js based theme for WooCommerce.
- Register
- Login
- Logout
- Add to cart
- Stripe payments
- Static pages for super fast load times
- Many more
This website features jwt token authentication for security.
Those are the frameworks/libraries used to build this website client.
- Server Side Enviromnent Variables. Edit .env.development file as follows:
Env variables from these file will be consumed by Apollo client on client side.
- On your WordPress site, download, Upload and activate all the plugins from wordpress/plugins folder of this repo, into your WordPress Site.
a. Headless CMS
b. woocommerce
c. wp-graphql - tested on ( v1.0.0 )
e. wp-gatsby
f. Yoast-SEO
h. wp-graphql-jwt-authentication
- You can follow the readme to setup