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Releases: Critical-Infrastructure-Systems-Lab/PowNet

PowNet v2.2 (Feature Release)

25 Jan 20:19
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This release of PowNet introduces modeling flexibility and new capabilities, including energy storage systems, detailed hourly prices, must-take obligation, and improved handling of diverse system configurations.

Key features

  • Energy storage systems: Model energy storage systems with the ability to connect them to generators or nodes, enabling more realistic simulations of grid operations with storage capabilities. Energy storage units are defined as a CSV input file.
  • Hourly generator cost modeling: Define hourly fuel costs for thermal units and hourly costs for non-dispatchable resources (solar, wind, and import) by associating generators with individual contracts. This allows for more accurate economic dispatch and cost analysis.
  • Must-take obligation: Generators can be defined as "must-take," requiring the system operator to pay for their curtailed energy. This arrangement effectively gives must-take generators dispatch priority.
  • Support diverse system configurations: PowNet now supports a wider range of system configurations, including those without thermal units or transmission lines, by removing the requirement for certain CSV input files.
  • Improved output processing: The OutputProcessor object has been optimized to reduce memory usage and includes new calculations for more comprehensive analysis of model results.
  • Transmission Line Utilization Visualization: Plot the utilization rate of transmission lines to analyze network congestion and identify potential bottlenecks.

Other improvements

  • Changes to input files: Some input files have had their names changed or require extra fields. A user is recommended to refer to examples in the model_library folder on how to create CSV files.
  • Flexible Spin Reserve Specification: Specify spin reserve requirements as either an absolute value (MW) or a percentage of demand, providing greater flexibility in defining system operating constraints.
  • Improved Generator Naming: Allow digits in generator names for easier identification and management.
  • Optimized HiGHS Solver Performance: Explicitly specify the simplex method when using the HiGHS solver to significantly reduce runtime.
  • Terminology Update: Renamed "waste_heat" to "solid_waste".
  • Type Hint Corrections: Fixed type hints of various functions and class methods.

PowNet v2.1 (Refactoring and Feature Release)

26 Oct 03:57
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This release of PowNet introduces major refactoring for improved code organization and maintainability, along with several new features to enhance functionality and user experience.

**Key changes: **

  • **Simplified Modeling Workflow: ** All modules have been refactored to streamline the modeling process and make the codebase easier to understand and extend. This includes:
    • Reduce the number of function calls required by a user
    • Streamlined solver selection
    • Simplified user inputs by switching from config files to direct arguments in functions and classes
  • **Enhanced Modeling/Solver Capabilities: **
    • Enabled model updating at every simulation step instead of building an instance from scratch
    • Added rounding heuristics to improve the optimization problem-solving process
  • **New Analysis Features: **
    • Fixed modeling in a rolling horizon fashion
    • Allowed aggregation of generators at a node
    • Added the stochastic module for generating synthetic time series
    • Added locational marginal price (LMP) calculation and plotting functionality
    • Separated shortfall and curtailment penalty factors for more granular control over penalties
  • **Improved User Experience: **
    • Increased flexibility in selecting input and output folders. This allows users to install PowNet as a package and work within their own project directories
    • Added input checking to help users identify and correct potential errors in their input data

**Other improvements: **

  • **Increased Code Reliability: ** Added unit tests to ensure code quality
  • **Bug Fixes: ** Fixed the handling of line loss calculations.
  • **Improved Codebase: ** Revised folder structure for better organization.
  • **Enhanced Documentation: **
    • Revised CSV field descriptions for clarity
    • Added API documentation
  • **Code Cleanup: ** Deleted unused files to reduce clutter.

PowNet v2.0

02 May 15:29
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This is an entirely new version of PowNet that includes the following key features:

  • The underlying algebraic modeling language is gurobipy, which replaces Pyomo. gurobipy is faster than Pyomo and has lower memory requirements.
  • A model created with PowNet can be solved with Gurobi as well as the free, open-source, solver HiGHS.
  • The mathematical formulation of PowNet is based on the 'strong' MILP formulations proposed by Knueven et al. (2020).
  • DC power flow is represented through different methods proposed by Hörsch et al. (2018)). These include both voltage angle and cycle flow formulations.
  • The implementation of PowNet is modular, so it allows users to include new formulations for a given constraint.
  • Models for a given country are built fully from .csv files.
  • Visualization of the model output has been standardised w.r.t. previous versions.

PowNet v1.3

14 Apr 18:40
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Changes since v1.2

  • Fix: Ramp Rate Constraints at Segment B.9 are modified to fix ramping constraints #7
  • Fix: Up/Down Time Constraints at Segment B.9 are modified to fix minUp/minDown constraint violation within the same horizon. Note that the constraint violation across horizon is not fixed, but we checked that the violation is minimal in a run #8
  • Enhancement: Derate factors of dispatchable units are now hourly inputs (instead of yearly) and are provided in separate csv files saved as ‘deratef_xxxx’, where ‘xxxx’ denotes the simulation year #9
  • Enhancement: Options for applying time limit to optimization is added
  • Enhancement: Input and output files are organized into different folders
  • Enhancement: Additional hydropower data are provided in input/hydro folder

Release notes

  • Third release, date: 15-Apr-2021.
  • Archived in Zenodo with doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4688309
  • Contributors: Ng Jia Yi, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, Stefano Galelli

PowNet v1.2

09 Sep 05:31
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Changes since v1.1

  • Fix: Logical Constraints at Segment B.9 are modified to fix a bug that used to initialize the binary decision variables (on and switch) for each horizon (e.g., 24 hours).
  • Enhancement: Derate factors of dispatchable units – the climate-dependent variable which can vary for each year in simulation over multiple years – are now provided in separate csv files with column heading as ‘deratef_xxxx’, where ‘xxxx’ denotes the simulation year (e.g., 2016, 2017 etc.).
  • Enhancement: Storing process of outputs in the solver script slightly reduced the computational requirements.

Release notes

  • Second release, date: 08-Sep-2020.
  • Archived in Zenodo with doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4020167.
  • Contributors: Rachel Koh, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, Stefano Galelli


27 Sep 03:30
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Release notes

  • First release, date: 27-Sep-2019.
  • Archived in Zenodo with doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3756750.
  • Contributors: AFM Kamal Chowdhury, Jordan Kern, Thanh Duc Dang, Stefano Galelli, Arijit Bagchi