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Fixes for logo #155 and some doc fixes. Adding built-in logo to avoid…
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1beb committed Jun 29, 2020
1 parent 450b5df commit eb3be2f
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Showing 19 changed files with 568 additions and 8 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .Rbuildignore
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ export(codeBookItemTxtDescription)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/codebook.R
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#' * notes or filter text
#' @param x A dataset variable
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link{kable_styling_defaults}
#' @md
#' @export
codeBookItemTxtDescription <- function(x, ...) {
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338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions R/codebookLatex.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
# Txt Elements -----

#' Extract basic question information
#' Extracts the following:
#' * alias
#' * description or question text
#' * notes or filter text
#' @param x A dataset variable
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link{kable_styling_defaults}
#' @md
#' @export
codeBookItemTxtDescription <- function(x, ...) {
txt <- list()
txt$description <- crunch::description(x)
txt$notes <- crunch::notes(x)

if (txt$description == "") {
# May change in the future
txt$description <- ""

alignment <- c("l")
question <- c(txt$description)
notes_txt <- c(txt$notes)

if (notes_txt == "") {
k <- matrix(c(question), ncol = 1) %>% = F)
names(k) <- ""
} else {
k <- matrix(c(question, notes_txt), ncol = 1)
names(k) <- ""

if (all(unlist(txt) == "")) {
kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment)
} else {
kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(full_width = T, ...)


#' codeBook Item Text Header
#' Creates a text header for a codebook item
#' @inheritParams codeBookItemTxtDescription
#' @export
codeBookItemTxtHeader <- function(x, ...) {
txt <- list()
txt$name <- crunch::name(x)
txt$alias <- crunch::alias(x)
alignment <- c("l", "r")

heading <- c(txt$name, txt$alias)
k <- matrix(heading, ncol = 2) %>% = FALSE)
names(k) <- c("name", "alias")

k <- k %>% dplyr::mutate(
alias = cell_spec(alias,"latex", monospace = TRUE)

names(k) = NULL

kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment, escape = F) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(full_width = T, ...) %>%
row_spec(1, hline_after = F)


# Item Body ----

#' codeBookItemBody
#' Create codebook item body.
#' @param x A crunch dataset object
#' @param ... Further arguments, not used.
#' @export
codeBookItemBody <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Default codeBookItemBody.
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.default <- function(x, ...) {
wrong_class_error(x, c(

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for CategoricalVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.CategoricalVariable <- function(x, ...) {
k = codeBookSummary(x)
k = k[order(as.numeric(k[,1])),] %>% = F)

names(k) = c("Code", "Label", "Count")

if (nrow(k) > 20) {
# If we have more than 20 hide counts
# only show codes. Use multiple tables
# row-wise
num_splits = round(nrow(k) / 5, 0)
splits = split(1:nrow(k), sort(rep_len(1:num_splits, nrow(k))))

k = lapply(splits, function(x) k[x,c("Code", "Label")])
k = lapply(k, function(x) { rownames(x) = NULL; return(x) })

j = list()

for (i in seq(1, length(k), 2)) {
j[[as.character(i)]] = tryCatch({
cbind(k[[i]], k[[i + 1]])
error = function(e) k[[i]])

alignment = c("c","l", "c", "l")

j, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling(full_width = TRUE)

} else {
alignment = c("c","l", "r")
k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, longtable = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(...) %>%
column_spec(c(1,3), width = "1in")


#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for CategoricalArrayVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.CategoricalArrayVariable <- function(x, ...) {
k = codeBookSummary(x)
alignment <- c(rep("l",2),rep("c", ncol(k) - 2))
col_one <- round(max(nchar(k[,1]))*0.08, 2)
names(k) = c("Variable", "Label", names(k)[-c(1,2)])
header_width = round(nchar(names(k)[-c(1,2)])*0.08,2)

space_remaining = 5.5 - col_one - sum(header_width)
col_two <- 1.5

k <- k %>% dplyr::mutate(
Variable = cell_spec(Variable, "latex", monospace = TRUE)

ln = ncol(k) - 2

booktabs = TRUE,
align = alignment,
escape = F) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(...) %>%
column_spec(1, width = paste0(col_one, "in")) %>%
column_spec(2, width = paste0(col_two, "in")) %>%
column_spec(c(3:ncol(k)), width = paste0(header_width, "in")) %>%
add_header_above(c("", "", "Codes" = ln))

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for MultipleResponseVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.MultipleResponseVariable <- codeBookItemBody.CategoricalArrayVariable

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for DatetimeVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.DatetimeVariable <- function(x, ...) {
k = codeBookSummary(x)
alignment <- c("c", "l")
kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(...) %>%
column_spec(1, width = "1in")

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for NumericVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.NumericVariable <- function(x, ...) {
k = codeBookSummary(x)
alignment <- c("c", "l")
kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(...) %>%
column_spec(1, width = "1in")

#' @describeIn codeBookItemBody Creates item body for TextVariable
#' @export
codeBookItemBody.TextVariable <- function(x, ...) {
k = codeBookSummary(x)
alignment <- c("c","l")
kableExtra::kable(k, "latex", booktabs = TRUE, align = alignment) %>%
kable_styling_defaults(...) %>%
column_spec(1, width = "1in")

#' Create a codebook
#' @param ds A crunch dataset
#' @param url A crunch dataset url
#' @param rmd Should we create an interim Rmd file? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param pdf Should we write directly to pdf? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Unused.
#' @export
writeCodeBook <- function(ds, url = NULL, rmd = TRUE, pdf = TRUE, ...) {

preamble <- readLines(
package = "crunchtabs"

# Some datasets are not visible using their name
if (is.null(url)) {
dataset = sprintf(
'```{r} \nds = loadDataset("%s") \n```\n\n',
} else {
dataset = sprintf(
'```{r} \nds = loadDataset("%s") \n```\n\n',

kables <- list()
nms <- names(ds)
for (nm in nms) {

if (codeBookSummary(ds[[nm]]) %>% nrow() > 20) {
kables[[nm]] <- sprintf(trimws(
codeBookItemTxtHeader(ds[['%s']]) ++ kable_strip_rules
codeBookItemTxtDescription(ds[['%s']]) ++ kable_strip_rules
```{r, results = 'asis'}
nm, nm, nm
} else {
kables[[nm]] <- sprintf(trimws(
codeBookItemTxtHeader(ds[['%s']]) ++ kable_strip_rules
codeBookItemTxtDescription(ds[['%s']]) ++ kable_strip_rules
nm, nm, nm


# manual rule example
# \\begin{center}\\rule{\\linewidth}{0.5pt}\\end{center}

kables[[nm]] <- gsub(" ", "", kables[[nm]])
kables[[nm]] <- gsub("++", "%>%", kables[[nm]], fixed = TRUE)

paste0(kables, collapse = "\n\n")
), file = gsub(" ", "-", paste0(name(ds), ".Rmd"), fixed = T)
if (pdf) {
rmarkdown::render(gsub(" ", "-", paste0(name(ds), ".Rmd"), fixed = T))" ", "-", paste0(name(ds), ".pdf"), fixed = T))


# utils ----

#' Defaults for kableExtra
#' Default styling for kable extra
#' @param x A kable object
#' @param full_width Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link[kableExtra]{kable_styling}
kable_styling_defaults <- function(x, full_width = FALSE, ...) {
kableExtra::kable_styling(x, full_width = full_width, ...)

#' Strip rules
#' Strip horizontal lines (also called rules) from
#' codebooks generated for latex
#' @param x A character string
#' @export
kable_strip_rules <- function(x) {
x <- gsub("\\toprule", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\\bottomrule", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\\midrule", "", x, fixed = TRUE)


#' Strip toprule
#' Strip horizontal lines (also called rules) from
#' codebooks generated for latex
#' @param x A character string
#' @export
kable_strip_toprules <- function(x) {
x <- gsub("\\toprule", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/crosstabs-sort.R
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Expand Up @@ -132,9 +132,14 @@ sortResults_outer <- function(var, descending, alpha, fixed, pin_to_top, pin_to_
#' Otherwise, the crosstab object has an embedded summary object per each banner defined
#' @rdname sortAliases
#' @inheritParams sortResults_outer
#' @param descending Logical, defaults to NULL. If data are of type TextVariable or DateTimeVariable, default to ascending, if numeric defaults to descending. If FALSE, enforces ascending. If TRUE, enforces descending.
#' @param alpha Logical. Defaults to FALSE. Should data be sorted alphabetically?
#' @param fixed A character vector representing a set order of presentation
#' @param pin_to_top A character vector of response values to pin to the top of the result presentation
#' @param pin_to_bottom A character vector of response values to pin to the bottom of the result presentation
#' @param r The results of a specific banner or Results
sortResults_inner <- function(r, descending, alpha, fixed, pin_to_top, pin_to_bottom) {

if (alpha) {

r$X = NA # Trick for single col
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/crosstabs.R
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Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,15 @@ crosstabs <- function(dataset, vars = names(dataset), weight = crunch::weight(da
# summaries (Numeric, Datetime, Text)

var_types <- unlist(lapply(dataset[vars], class))

if (length(setdiff(vars,names(dataset))) > 0) {
# Edge case where variable specified does not exist in dataset
stop(paste0("One or more variables are specified in the crosstab but not
available in the dataset: ",
paste0(setdiff(vars, names(dataset)), collapse = ", "))

names(var_types) <- vars
numerics <- vars[var_types == "NumericVariable"]
datetimes <- vars[var_types == "DatetimeVariable"]
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