An interactive web application for learning data structures through visual animations and step-by-step operations. Built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, React Flow and Framer Motion.
- Linked Lists: Singly, doubly, and circular implementations
- Stack & Queue: LIFO/FIFO operations with visual feedback
- Trees: BST and AVL with auto-balancing visualizations
- Heap: Min/max heap implementations with heapify animations
- Infix to Postfix Conversion: Expression conversion using stacks
- Message Queue System: Producer-consumer queue simulation
- Polynomial Multiplication: Using linked list representation
- Huffman Coding: Encoding and decoding messages using a Huffman tree
- Dijkstra's Algorithm: Finding the shortest path between nodes in a graph
- Framework: Next.js 15
- Language: TypeScript
- Styling: TailwindCSS
- Animations: Framer Motion
- Graph Visualization: React Flow
- UI Components: Shadcn/ui
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ds-visualizer
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
├── app/ # Next.js app router pages
├── components/
│ ├── ui/ # shadcn/ui components
│ ├── visualizer/ # Data structure visualizations
│ ├── landing/ # Landing page components
│ └── global/ # Global components
├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
├── lib/
└── content/ # Markdown content for explanations