This is a series of apps for a customer, some of which were modified from code sourced originally elsewhere.
This is the original (very old) code for the taskboard that shows tasks arranged in columns that are their state and rows that are their workproducts. The additions:
- The pencil on each task now launches the regular pop up edit dialog for changing anything on the task itself.
- The FormattedID of each item is now a link to its details page
- The new plus sign on each workproduct starts the creation process for a task and pops up an edit dialog
This is a modification of a customer-created app that provides a great many things with respect to showing a progress chart. This addition is to limit the data by release.
This is a grid of stories owned by a selected user. The exciting bit is that sorting on the release or iteration sorts by end date of that timebox.
Change the iteration summary app so that completion is the marker for done instead of accepted.
Show a table of sprints so that the user can set the planned velocity based on aaverage velocity