Ship is a command line application that makes transferring files from a computer to a phone or another computer easy
Ship is Developed on macOS Catalina and should work on all platforms that python3 supports
- Requirements 📺
- Installation ⬆️
- uninstallation ⬇️
- Usage 💯
- Releases 🏭
- Common issues when Installing 🪑
- Platforms Tested on 🧪
- Issues 🤫
- pip is required to download ship
- to download pip on windows users use click Python 3.7.7
- to download pip on darwin macOS(for OS X 10.9 and later) click Python 3.7.7
- Obviously should not be install in a virtual environment
pip install shipapp
pip uninstall shipapp
- Type in the command and filename that you want to share.
- Copy the url into another device browser (can be phone or computer).
Make sure to click 'ctrl-c' to kill after usage
Mon Jul 6 22:37:27 2020 Sharing Server Starts -
- Download by clicking 'Ship It' and close the server by clicking Ctrl + c
^CMon Jul 6 23:26:38 2020 Sharing Server Stop -
usage: ship [-h] [-p [port]] [-q] [-P] [-L] [-l] [-V] [-v] [main]
Send file to phone or other computers. Make sure to kill this process after completetion
if your phone is having trouble reading qrcode use flag -q: ship -q [FILENAME]
positional arguments:
main file to be shared
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p [port], --port [port]
port to be shared on
-q, --qrcode if flagged qrcode will be in new tab
-o, --open if flagged browser will open automatically
-P, --private if flagged host address will be on private ip
-L, --localhost if flagged host address will be localhost
-l, --link if flagged ship will start the Link Sharing Server
-V, --verbose if flagged additional details will be shown via stdout
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Ship will watch a file and will restart server with new file content
Ship can now be called from within Python as Shipapp.ShipIt
Now Ship can fallback on an Empty port if port 9999 is being used
Whole codebase revamp/rewrite with better errors and comments
Now you can run multiple instance on Ship
Whole design with use of external css
Ship can now share links on top of files
new -o, --open cli flag auto open browsers on host computer
new -P, --private cli flag: if flagged host address will be on private ip
new -L, --local cli flag: force port to localhost/
new -V, --verbose cli flag: additional details will be shown via stdout
new -l, --link cli flag: ship will start the Link Sharing Server
full release on pypi
support for inline and new tab qrcodes
new -q, --qrcode cli flag: to display flag
new -V, -version cli flag: to show version
more readable errors
git clone installation is not long available
help file update
build dist errors
float right on all templates
build dist errors
template decision error fixed
text template fixed
error raising error fixed
initial release
When installing ship (shipapp) python might say that script is not placed in The PATH to solve this problem follow the steps
- enter bashrc config file with vim
vi .bashrc
- enter insert mode in vim Esc then press i for insert
- then at the top write with the path the python outputted
export PATH='(the path that python outputted):$PATH'
- then exit vim by pressing Esc then typing :w q
- then exit the terminal and enter again then ship command should now be available 😀
Since the template are loaded in with python format method anything the uses curly braces will cause an error which include: any Javascript function, if statements, try - except blocks and embedded css.
Can only load in mimetypes defined in the standard package.