Telegram bot for router with firmware Lede/Openwrt.
- /memory return RAM info
- /clients connected clients
- /wll_list wifi clients
- /wifi_list wifi info
- /reboot reboot the device
- /wol <mac_address> wake on lan over the Internet
- /wanip WAN ip address
- /<script_name> any scripts in the
Telegram bot run under Lede or Openwrt firmware than the first prerequisite is to have Lede/Openwrt installed.
Second prerequisite is to have curl
package installed. You can do this with command opkg update && opkg install curl
Get your chat_id of Telegram. If you don't know what is your chat_id you can use bot @get_id_bot.
Get a bot token and start your bot. If you don't know how get it you can use bot @BotFather. Send him /newbot command , name of your new bot and a username. Get the returned string "Use this token to access the HTTP API:"
Copy the files of this repo under /
directory of your Lede/Openwrt system.
Set files as executable with commands:
chmod +x -R /usr/lib/telegram-bot/* /usr/lib/telegram-bot/plugins/functions/*
chmod +x /etc/init.d/telegram_bot
service telegram_bot enable
Set your variables (bot token and chat id) in telegram_bot
file under /etc/config/
uci set telegram_bot.config.bot_token='[PUT YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE]'
uci set telegram_bot.config.chat_id='[PUT YOUR CHAT ID HERE]'
uci commit telegram_bot
Start telegram_bot
service with commands:
service telegram_bot restart
Enjoy your bot!