Resources for use at HL7/CMS FHIR Connectathon, Da Vinci Gaps in Care Track.
Hosted Sandbox: This testing instance is subject to change throughout the event.
Docker Container:
R4 ``` docker pull contentgroup/cqf-ruler:gic-testing docker run -p 8080:8080 contentgroup/cqf-ruler:gic-testing ```
Code repository: clone:, master branch
These testing materials are subject to change throughout the event.
- Measure CQL
- Master Bundle (includes all the Individual bundles)
Individual bundles:
- Measure Bundle
- Terminology Bundle
- Denominator Test Bundle
- Denominator Patient ID: denom-EXM124
- Numerator Test Bundle
- Numerator Patient ID: numer-EXM124
- Measure CQL
- Master Bundle (includes all the Individual bundles)
Individual bundles:
- Measure Bundle
- Terminology Bundle
- Denominator Test Bundle
- Denominator Patient ID: denom-EXM125
- Numerator Test Bundle
- Numerator Patient ID: numer-EXM125
- Measure CQL
- Master Bundle (includes all the Individual bundles)
Individual bundles:
- Measure Bundle
- Terminology Bundle
- Denominator Test Bundle
- Denominator Patient ID: denom-EXM130
- Numerator Test Bundle
- Numerator Patient ID: numer-EXM130
A Postman collection containing all the content required for the Sessions can be downloaded from:
These testing materials are subject to change throughout the event.
- Open the "GIC Demo" folder in the Postman collection
- Open the "Examples" folder in the "GIC Demo" folder
- Config/Reset
- If this is the first time running testing, configure the content and data
- Run each request in the folder
- Expected result: a 200 OK response
- This indicates that the content has been posted to the server.
- Run each request in the folder
- If this is not the first time, reset the data
- Open the Reset folder
- Run "Reset GIC Procedure"
- Expected result: a 200 OK response
- Open the Reset folder
- If this is the first time running testing, configure the content and data
- For each of the subfolders, open the sub folder
- Run "measure-numer"
- Expected result: a MeasureReport, with a measureScore of 1.0
- This indicates that the patient is in the measure population and meets the criteria of the measure (note, this is not a Care Gaps Report).
- Run "open-gap"
- Expected result: a Parameters Resource that contains a $care-gaps response, including a Measure report with a Numerator = 0, and Denominator = 1
- This indicates that the patient is in the measure population, but does not meet the criteria of the measure.
- Run "closed-gap"
- Expected result: a Parameters Resource that contains a $care-gaps response, including a Measure report with a Numerator = 1, and Denominator = 1
- This indicates that the patient is in the measure population and meets the criteria of the measure (closed gap).
- Run "measure-numer"
- Open the "Close Open Gap" folder in the "GIC Demo" folder
- Config/Reset
- If this is the first time running testing, configure the content and data
- Open the Config folder
- Run "Post EXM130 Bundle"
- Expected result: a 201 created response
- Open the Config folder
- If this is not the first time, reset the data
- Open the Reset folder
- Run "Reset GIC Procedure"
- Expected result: a 200 OK response
- Open the Reset folder
- If this is the first time running testing, configure the content and data
- Run "Open Gap"
- Expected result: a Parameters Resource that contains a $care-gaps response, including a Measure report with a Numerator = 0, and Denominator = 1
- This indicates that the patient is in the measure population, but does not meet the criteria of the measure.
- Run "Close Gap"
- Expected result: a 201 created response
- This indicates that an additional Procedure resource was added. The additional data meets the criteria of the measure (open gap).
- Run "Closed Gap"
- Expected result: a Parameters Resource that contains a $care-gaps response, including a Measure report with a Numerator = 1, and Denominator = 1
- This indicates that the patient is in the measure population and meets the criteria of the measure (closed gap).
NOTE: Preconfigured data includes "denom-" and "numer-" Patient data. "denom-" does not meet Measure requirements; "numer-" does. NOTE: Config only needs to be run once per endpoint. Config has already been run for the gic-sandbox instance. NOTE: The Postman Collection contains variables. As environment variables may conflict, set No Environment.
- Open the "GIC Testing" folder in the Postman collection
- Select Scenario - Connectathon Manager - Track Details and testing - edit Da Vinci DEQM Gaps in Care
- Description tab, add or edit Scenario
- Fields:
- Name: use < thing tested > < in/out > < optional context > pattern
- example: periodStart and periodEnd out prior
- Description: example: periodStart and periodEnd are prior to the MeasurementPeriod.
- Pre/Post - Success Criteria: example: Not in InitialPopulation
- Name: use < thing tested > < in/out > < optional context > pattern
- Duplicate the Template request and re-name it the Scenario name from Connectathon Manager
- Move to appropriate folder
- Set Parameters
- On the Params tab of Postman
- Check the Params applicable to your test and enter the desired Value(s)
- Send request from Postman and check result for expected result
- Record Result - Connectathon Manager
- Testing and feedback tab
- Select the Scenario - add new result
- Select Da Vinci Gaps in Care RI for the Server
- Testing and feedback tab
- Save your Postman Request
- When you're completely done, export your Postman collection and email file to [email protected]
- Open the "Member Attribution" folder in the Postman collection
- Config
- Run "Post EXM124 Bundle"
- Expected result: a 200 OK response
- This indicates that the content has been posted to the server.
- Run "Post Member Attribution Bundle"
- Expected result: a 200 OK response
- This indicates that the precoordinated member attribution data has been posted to the server.
- Run "Post EXM124 Bundle"
- Run "subject-group-attribution"
- Expected result: a Parameters Resource that contains a $care-gaps response, including 6 MeasureReports for the patients in the attribution group
- This indicates that the $care-gaps operation was invoked using the pre-coordinated group as the subject
- Sandbox build:
Travis build, triggered from GitHub commit: - gic-connectathon27
Jenkins build, triggered manually:,%20cqm-sandbox,%20etc.)/job/
CQF Tooling - RefreshIG, triggered manually from the IG, to load the content:
- Postman Configuration/Post Bundle, triggered manually from Postman, to load the Organization.
Note: this is a stopgap. The Organization should be loaded in step 3.
Postman collection is shared above.