Follow this to install bazel -
We can install ZeroMQ for cpp as follows. Run the following starting from the CloudMesh/third_party/
May need to install the following when troubleshooting issues
brew install gnutls
To be determined (???)
git clone
cd libzmq
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
git clone
cd cppzmq
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make install
We install ZeroMQ for Python using pip install pyzmq
- BUILD file - Contains the build instructions for the targets.
- MODULE.bazel file - Contains the module name and the dependencies.
To compile BOOTSTRAP, PROVIDER and REQUESTER, run the following commands:
bazel build //... --experimental_google_legacy_api --config=macos
bazel build //... --experimental_google_legacy_api
To compile BOOTSTRAP, PROVIDER and REQUESTER locally, run the following commands:
bazel build //... --define local=true --experimental_google_legacy_api --config=macos
bazel build //... --define local=true --experimental_google_legacy_api
To execute, run the following commands:
(8080 is reserved for bootstrap port so peers know where to connect)
./bazel-bin/provider [8080]
(8080 is the default port, optional parameter)
./bazel-bin/requester [8080 [r | c]]
is the default port, optional parameter
is an optional parameter to request to receive the result of the computation (use same port as original request execution)
is an optional parameter to request to provide the computation
The peers assume data is located in the directory specified by
parameter in utility.h
. All filenames and globbing
options are taken w.r.t the DATA_DIR
A few unit tests are available. They can be run with
bazel test //:utility_test
bazel clean
Add the external dependency in MODULE.bazel file. This will now be visible to all the targets in the module.
For example:
name = "com_github_nlohmann_json",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "0d8ef5af7f9794e3263480193c491549b2ba6cc74bb018906202ada498a79406",
strip_prefix = "json-3.11.3",
- Create your proto file in the
directory. (similar topayload.proto
) - Run the build command to auto generate the new proto files.
- Import the new proto file by adding this line to the top of the file:
#include "proto/{name}.pb.h"
Run the following command in project root directory:
protoc --python_out=ml <.proto file location>
protoc --python_out=ml proto/payload.proto
protoc --python_out=ml proto/utility.proto
To include the dependency build files in VSCode, add the following to the includePath for Cpp:
"C_Cpp.default.includePath": [