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Early years child development training

ci brakeman pa11y [![qa][qa-badge]][qa-workflow]

This is a Rails 7 application using the DfE template.

Optionally create .env to override or set default variables like DATABASE_URL.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install git-secrets
  3. Obtain the master keys
  4. Start the server

Useful Links

Rails Credentials

We use rails credentials to manage secrets; obtain the encryption keys from the dev team.

To edit, use either:

$ EDITOR=vi rails credentials:edit --environment <env>
$ ./bin/docker-rails credentials:edit --environment <env>

Full instructions can be found by running rails credentials:help

Git Secrets

This will help to prevent unintentional commits of access keys.

$ brew install git-secrets
$ cd ./path/to/repo
$ git secrets --install
$ git secrets --register-aws

Find advanced settings and other installation options at the git-secrets project.

Working locally

$ asdf plugin add ruby
$ asdf install ruby
$ asdf plugin add postgres
$ asdf install postgres
$ asdf plugin add nodejs
$ asdf install nodejs


Gemfile group :development

Use bin/dev to start the process workers (watching for changes to asset files).


Gemfile group :test

Use bin/rspec to run the test suite under /spec. Rails system specs use RackTest only for efficiency.


Running locally in the production rails environment requires generating a self-signed certificate. Use bin/docker-certs

UI Framework

Gemfile group :ui

Use bin/qa to run the test framework under /ui against a given URL. These tests have additional dependencies:

$ brew install chromedriver geckodriver
# on OSX Intel
$ xattr -d /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
# on OSX ARM
$ xattr -d /opt/homebrew/bin/chromedriver

Using Docker

Containerised services are available for use by developers and testers. There are a number of convenience scripts to make working with Docker easier. All containers for the project are named with the prefix recovery_. The project uses chained Docker Compose files to prepare different environments.

These commands help maintain your containerised workspace:

  • bin/docker-build creates tagged images for all the services
  • bin/docker-certs generates a self-signed certificate for running the app in production
  • bin/docker-files changes the ownership of files to your current user, files generated inside containers are created by root
  • bin/docker-down stop any active services
  • bin/docker-prune purge project containers, volumes and images

The commands run common tasks inside containers:

  • bin/docker-adr rebuilds the architecture decision records table of contents
  • bin/docker-dev starts, containerised equivalent of bin/dev, using the override Additionally, it will install bundle and yarn dependencies.
  • bin/docker-rails erd generate an Entity Relationship Diagram
  • bin/docker-rails db:seed populates the containerised postgres database
  • bin/docker-rails console drops into a running development environment or starts one, containerised equivalent of bin/rails console
  • bin/docker-rspec -f doc runs the test suite with optional arguments, containerised equivalent of bin/rspec
  • bin/docker-doc runs a YARD documentation server
  • bin/docker-uml exports UML diagrams as default PNGs
  • bin/docker-pa11y runs WCAG checks against a generated sitemap.xml

Using Rake

Custom tasks are namespaced under eyfs, list them using rake --tasks eyfs.

# Generate secure bot user
$ rake eyfs:bot
# Enable the post login 'What's new' page
$ rake eyfs:whats_new

Deployment Pipelines

Visit the Github Container Registry.

Development is deployed automatically with the latest commit from main.

Adding the review label to a pull request in Github will trigger a deployment for review. Once a feature branch is deployed, the URL to access it is added as a comment in the PR conversation in the format:

We intend to use semantic versioning.

Staging is deployed from this workflow. Production is deployed from this workflow.


Production console access


Sentry is used to monitor production environments

$ brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-cli

$ sentry-cli projects list --org early-years-foundation-reform

| ID      | Slug         | Team                          | Name         |
| 6274627 | eyf-reform   | early-years-foundation-reform | Rails        |
| 6274651 | eyf-recovery | early-years-foundation-reform | eyf-recovery |

Accessibility Standards

An automated accessibility audit can be run against a development server running in Docker using ./bin/docker-pa11y. The test uses pa11y-ci and a dynamic sitemap.xml file to ensure the project meets WCAG2AA standards. A secure HTTP header BOT is used to provide access to pages that require authentication. The secret $BOT_TOKEN environment variable defines the account to seed.

curl -i -L -H "BOT: ${BOT_TOKEN}" http://localhost:3000/my-account

docker-pa11y accepts an optional argument to test external sites.


Emails are sent using the GOV.UK Notify.

Getting a GovUK Notify account

You need an account before you can use GOV.UK Notify to send emails. To obtain one ask a current member of the team to add you to the "Early Years Foundation Recovery" service, by navigating to the Team members page and clicking the Invite a team member button and entering a government email address. This will send an email inviting you to use the service.

The credentials file for each environment holds an API key for Notify:

  • railsdevelopment-... Team and guest list (limits who you can send to)
  • railstest-... Test (pretends to send messages)
  • railsproduction-... Live (sends to anyone)

It is possible to temporarily override the key by defining GOVUK_NOTIFY_API_KEY in .env.

Accessing information in the Notify service

Once you have an account you can view the Dashboard with details of how many emails have been sent out and any that have failed to send.

You can update the content of the emails in the Templates section.

For more information

Documentation for GovUK Notify can be found here:

The status of GovUK notify can be checked here:

For more information the Notify team can be contacted here:, or in the UK Government digital slack workspace in the #govuk-notify channel.

GOV.UK One Login

GOV.UK One Login admin tool exists for managing the integration environment client config. It can be accessed at (currently only 1 email can access the client config).

Account Registration

Register an account on the integration OIDC used in development Using this authentication method also requires basic HTTP auth credentials.

Status Updates

For status updates see


Questions can be directed to the #govuk-one-login slack channel


  • Integration GOV.UK One Login environment credentials are stored in Rails development credentials (config/credentials/development.yml.enc)
  • Both production and integration GOV.UK One Login environment credentials are stored in Rails production credentials (config/credentials/production.yml.enc).

Service Dashboard

Key performance metrics are surfaced in a Looker Studio dashboard and refreshed daily. User service accounts can authenticate using the Google Cloud SDK.

Storage and Reporting

Downloading exported data

  • gcloud auth login
  • gcloud config set project eyfsdashboard
  • gsutil ls (list buckets)
  • gsutil -m cp -r "gs://eyfs-recovery-production/events" "gs://eyfs-recovery-production/training" . (export folders recursively)


This project uses Hotjar for user insight. Hotjar records user journeys and automatically redacts certain user information on recordings. All personally identifiable information should be redacted. In order to override the default settings the following classes can be added:

  • data-hj-suppress to redact additional user information
  • data-hj-allow to allow data that is automatically redacted


Production console access

Programmatic testing

bravo = Training::Module.by_name('bravo')
data = bravo).call(pass: false).compact
file = Rails.root.join('spec/support/ast/bravo-fail.yml'), 'w') { |file| file.write(data.to_yaml) }